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Finley (and others) watercraft


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Looking for ideas on watercraft that you all use on the Finley and other rivers other than a canoe or kayak.    Wanting to take my 3 year old and need a little more stability.   Just missed a paddle Jon to another buyer.    Are small jons like a 14x42 manageable on the river?    Would love a jet, but that's just too high $$$.    I once saw some guys on a pond prowler on th niangua.    Mostly wanting to put in at the park and run up. Thanks. N 


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1442 johnboat would be manageable, but probably too heavy for you to handle if you want to put in at places that don't have a boat ramp.  I'd look for a 12 ft. johnboat.  Stable enough if you're prudent, possible for two people to carry it or one person to drag it a short distance at least, will take a small motor.  A 12 ft. johnboat was my first float fishing craft, and I used it from the time I was about 14 years old to 18 years old, when I bought my first canoe.

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A lot of people use Jonboats at the park, but it's a small lake. Even a 12 ft. Jon is a pain to drag far with a motor and gear in it. I just paddled my canoe with my son sitting in front to a good spot and then get out and wade it or fish from the bank when he was little.

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