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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. How was the crowd ? more or less than usual ?
  2. I've been playing with a tiny Torpedo in the creek near my shop, several evenings this week. The water is extremely warm (90's)and the fish are really sluggish, but these tweeked Torpedo's are getting some serious action once the sun goes behind the trees. I added some calf-tail and krystal flash to the rear hook, put a little extra twist to the blade, epoxyed the screw eyelets so they couldn't back out, and added a split-ring to the eyelet. Tonite I swiched back and forth between my tweeked ones and a standard out-of-the box torpedo and I'm convinced that the mods are a definate improvement. So I thought I'd share.... I thought about upgrading the hook to an excaliber....but I'm not missing any bites at all with the sharpened stock hook.
  3. Is their server down again, or is it just me ? That site (however awesome) has more bugs than a stray coonhound.
  4. Sounds plenty deep enough to hold fish all Summer. Is anyone else putting pressure on it or have you had it all to yourself ? Also sounds like a good spot to get a mess of FROGLEGS !
  5. Well I'll give ya credit for stickin with'em. I assume that when the river is rising or falling that there is a bit of current at the outlet of that backwater slough. I haven't seen the area (obviously) but I have a mental picture of what I think you have there, and I'm thinking if you concentrate on the flooded wood cover that is close to the outlet, where there is a bit of current, and keying on shade, you'd be in the best position possible to get lucky. How deep would you say it is at the channel of the outlet ? and how wide? any rocks...or just mudbanks?
  6. I'm with you Bobber....That looks extremely Old Town, regardless of whos name is on it. Never heard of Future Beach, are they an actual manufacturing factory ?
  7. This is one of those things that a bunch of people will try for awhile...and eventually dump. If it appears interesting and effective then you gotta play with it....it's part of growing up. So go ahead and get it over with so you can get it out of your head. My prediction: A few years from now, if "moffitt system" gets brought up in a conversation you'll say "oh yeah I remember that....it was a waste of time".
  8. Makes perfect sense. It's all out of balance. You can't find a single person that thinks the Lake Ozark experience (or atmosphere) has improved with age. Everyone I know (even the ones doing the "developing") will openly tell you that they believe the area, and the lake itself is going to hell in a handbasket in every catagory that should matter....but yet they keep right on building and developing. Just blows my mind There are all kinds of empty buildings and abandoned lots in excellent business locations that could be renovated...but instead they will bulldoze a point or nice woodlot and spend 10 times more money....just to go belly up and sell at a considerable loss in 3 years or less. Makes me wonder if these hotshot entrapunuer guru's are just creating projects to launder funds through...or if they are pre-planning strategic bankruptcys. Whatever the true intentions are, they are leaving one hell of a mess behind them. ok, rant over. all better now LOL
  9. I understand their position. I live here and make my living off the lake too, so I (as much as anyone) hate to see the area get any bad press...but darn ! LO has gotten too populated for its own good and there really isn't a way to reverse what has been done. Endless clusters of homes, commercial operations, and condos line the bank no matter where you go and the resultant pollution is not going to go away. So although the fishing is still really good (for now) it still sucks that all the beauty of the hills and all the aspects of nature have been lost. Personally I'm not convinced that we shouldn't WELCOME the Zebra mussels. And AmerenUE could drop the lake level 12 feet, reclaim the new shoreline.....and put everyone "second tier". I'm all for it.
  10. Now that you mention it I haven't seen a Cworm in quite awhile. 2 years ago up around Hermann, MO. we searched a stand of Catalpa trees specifically looking for worms before a catfishing excursion on the Missouri river.....didn't find any...not even one. At the time I just assumed we were looking for them at the wrong time of the year (it was September). But now I'm wondering. When I was a kid up around Mexico, Mo. we used to search the mulberry trees for blacksnakes and then terrorize the neighborhood girls with them. Catalpa worms were always thick in the mulberry trees even though catalpa trees were everywhere. catalpa's. The blacksnakes climbed the mulberry trees to ambush birds, so we were told, ... but they probably ate more catalpa worms than birds.
  11. a big gangly-legged stonefly nymph tumbling along the bottom at the tailend of a riffle is just something yummy to eat and easy for the fish to notice in fast turbulent areas....I don't think it matters that a fish has never seen or tasted the real thing before.
  12. There is a gage above and a gage below Tunnel dam. The one below is of no use when trying to determine the river conditions above. I see no use for it unless you are fishing the "Edith stretch" below the dam. The windyville readings are the best indicator we have of river conditions from Moon valley to Prosperine.
  13. I do a considerable amount of upstream paddling. Mostly because organizing shuttles on the rivers/streams I fish is a pain, and secondly because I notice more stuff and catch more fish when I am working my way upriver. I think it's kinda cool figuring out ways to get up through tricky fast areas, but sometimes it is more of a workout than it is worth. My average solo push is usually 3 miles or less in a OT Guide 147 with lots of fishing and plenty of stops along the way. I could add a mile or so easily if I was paddling a lighter, narrower canoe. I'm not familiar with the James, but on any river with a decent flow I wouldn't count on traveling more than 5 miles per day.
  14. Yeah..."There were HUGE flocks of Geese at EVERY single testing location". OMG ! It blows my mind some of the dung they say when trying to cover up something. My kids come up with better alibi's than that. And how much you wanna bet that the 2nd of the 3 reported testings at PB1 ... never really got done ? My guess is: Someone assumed it was ok... and entered a sample reading without even driving out there......but OOOPS, it wasn't ok. You can't depend on the science of this so-called testing if the data is inaccurate...or bias. (and you know darn well it is) So why even bother with testing it ? Man I dispise community politics, it's so stupid and childish.
  15. If the stream is of floatable size most of the time, and has ever been "used for commerce" then it should be classified as a public waterway...or "navigable stream". The key term in your (our) favor is "used for commerce". The definition includes removal of water or minerals resulting in profit. So if anyone has ever sold gravel from the stream then you have a good case, should it go to court. Providing that you access the creek legally, from a public right of way.. County road district crews get gravel from nearby streams to build and repair tax funded roads and low-water bridges all the time. If they have the right to do that then you (taxpayer) have a right to float or wade in it. Right ?
  16. http://www.lakenewsonline.com/breakingnews...afe-for-contact
  17. Obviously priced to keep out the Rif-Raf.......of which catagory I myself fall in.
  18. k, well.... if you see a dude out there flyfishing with something pink on the end of his leader, casting long and stripping line like crazy, introduce yourself and I'll buy you lunch. Deal?
  19. Nice work Man ! Those Kentucky's are pigs. I wanna get into those Whites and Hybrids with the flyrod. I have a fly that those critters can't ignore. Where are they ?
  20. They had to shut the gates at Bagnell this evening....too much flooding below, so the lake will continue to backwater as Truman dumps. The back half of all the creeks and coves I've seen are full of bank litter and debris. But Man-oh-Man are they tearin' up the Channel cats here in the spring branch in Gravois ! Nothing huge, but lots of stringers full of good eaters. The same situation may be playing out in Tonka cove as well.
  21. "FishinCricket" my bald butt !!!....Your name is.... Dorky PicklePants LMAO ! . Use the third letter of your first name to determine your New first name: a = snickle b = doombah c = goober d = cheesey e = crusty f = greasy g = dumbo h = farcus i = dorky j = doofus k = funky l = boobie m = sleezy n = sloopy o = fluffy p = stinky q = slimy r = dorfus s = snooty t = tootsie u = dipsy v = sneezy w = liver x = skippy y = dink y z = zippy 2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name: a = dippin b = feather c = batty d = burger e = chicken f = barffy g = lizard h = waffle i = farkle j = monkey k = pickle l = fricken m = bubble n = rhino o = potty p = hamster q = buckle r = gizzard s = lickin t = snickle u = chuckle v = flippin w = hubble x = dingle y = gorilla z = girdle 3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name: a = pants b = boob c = face d = nose e = hump f = breath g = butt h = shorts i = lips j = honker k = head l = tush m = chunks n = dunkin o = brains p = biscuits q = toes r = doodle s = fanny t = sniffer u = sprinkles v = frack w = squirt x = humperdinck y = hiney z = juice From your friend, Crusty Farklechunks
  22. Must haves: Life jackets (PFD's) for each occupant. Throwable device (boat cushion). Length of rope and a decent knife to keep in the boat (ya never know). A whistle.
  23. Now that's a sturdy boat ! Those hills look stripped clean of timber. Any idea whereabouts that photo was taken ?
  24. Kayaker, We got 3 1/2"+ last night...... so she's completely blown out now. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/mo/nwis/uv/?site..._cd=00065,00060
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