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Sac River Jim

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Sac River Jim last won the day on June 15 2015

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About Sac River Jim

  • Birthday 07/15/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mount Vernon, Mo.
  • Interests
    hunting and fishing. I've been mostly a bass fisherman most my life but last four years i have really enjoyed the crappie and walleye fishing on Stockton.

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Spotted Bass

Spotted Bass (47/89)



  1. i was on the lake when it hit last night. hardest rain i ever fished thru i ran bilge pump every 10 minutes an it would run for 5 minutes, the drain in the bottom of the ole ranger looked like a toilet bowl swirl lmbo!!!!! It had to have rained an inch an hour i'd say. Didn't bother the fish one bit. i had a good bag but unfortunately two other guys had better of course we only had 5 boats hahaha!!!! the others that usually fish with us had better sense i guess, darrell i found fish again similar pattern, same presentation and same locations as we got on em that first time. only difference they are strictly staged on those main lake points, nothing on the banks in between them. its best to skip point to point then turn around and hit em again.
  2. thnx for the report skeeter. i put in at ruark at 5:30 ya shudda hung around a couple more hours it got kinda interesting to say the least. every 10 minutes i had to turn on my bilge pump and it would run for 5. did pretty good considering the weather same type of pattern you had points but no single depth per say, ned to find them and shakey to catch them. are you catching any mean mouth i caught three just above point four and a couple fri night down at 5 fingers. this is the first year ive caught them besides a single stray a couple times a year.
  3. thnx for the heads up now i know i made the right decision not to fish th wednesday nighter out of the 39 bridge ramp.
  4. Darren thnx for the report and i'm impressed the boys figured out the pattern so fast. I've been fishing the same areas and pattern except I;m not going all the way to the dam. Mutton to Five Fingers is as far as I have to go and i'm setting up a little deeper and throwing into 25 fow.. Your son has learned something it has taken many of us years to learn about Stockton and thats the do nothing sterile looking points and banks hold fish!!!!!! I fished both friday night saturday and sunday till dark and i had to really work hard for the fish i caught. between all the rain and the pleasure boaters it made it a tough bite and very hard to fish the main lake points. Plz send my congradulations to your son and his partner they did a fantastic job under less than good conditions!!!
  5. all i can remember how my hands cramped up after throwing salt craws all night then hitting the main lake points with spinner baits till it was time for the weigh in lol!!!
  6. yep sure wudda to me its not about the bass it is about an illegal stringer and i may be wrong if they clipped the fins on the fish to keep them seperated and identified. kwall youve been on the stockton forums long enough to know i dont really consider myself a basser i consider myself a fisherman and a sportsman. several of my friends tournament fish and i enjoy the friendly competition between us and i get lucky ever so often and take their money lmbo!!!!! Back 30 years ago I was a basser and a pretty salty stick at that Crap now i have trouble getting up and down off my decks it's a bite in the butt to get old lol!!!!!
  7. i cut my teeth on the 5500c's
  8. pm me your number we'll hook up
  9. my next project is to upgrade all my rods to razR rods. they are pretty expensive and cant do it all at once but i;ll let you know when i have other equipment for sale. ive got mostly team lews rods i want to upgrade. let me do some figuring on how to shuffle some reels around ive got three quantum smokes i bought last winter ive been wanting to upgrade to lews reels . i'll see what i can figure out. my goal is to have all razR rods with lew's reels. i like the bb1's the super duties and the team lite reels. crap last count i have 22 lew's combos in the boat so i can afford to thin em down a little and still feel secure with my just in case syndrome hahaha!!!!!!
  10. kk i'll try to be at ruark either real early so you can fish with it or i'll be at your weigh in. ive got to take a thousand ned heads up to lew;s next couple of days so i was planning on picking up the team lite reel. if i do i'll have one the lew's reels with me too.
  11. My whole point and the only reason I got involved in this is there's a right way and a wrong way to do things I don't wanna see anyone get a ticket when its preventable. Weve discussed how to separate fish a few times on the Stockton forum because a lot of guys take friends and family out on pontoons and all catch there limits and have learned how to keep them separate. That's what I call educational and productive. I just wish these kind of arguments wouldn't happen I've learned a lot from everyone on this site and just hope someone new don't get a bad taste in their mouth and leave over threads like this that take a bad turn. I want them to have the same opportunity to improve both their knowledge and skills as I have. Thnx for your input and point of view smallie. Bottom line is not everyone is going to see eye to eye but we can respect each others opinions and try to get along.
  12. passing on what was passed to me by my grandpa and dad is very important to me. that 1960's looking stringer in my opinion doesn't set a good example even tho he had every right to do so. to me its not about rights it's about responsibility. this pic summs it up for me in a nutshell.
  13. kwall i understand i usually stay neutral on these types of threads everyone has the right to do what they want with fish as long as it falls under MDC regulations I don't have a problem with that at all. I personally would rather have a big mess of gigantic bluegill myself, two things bothered me tho. number one why even mention you kept them for a fish fry and they was full of eggs when we know it was gonna cause a sht storm but what i'm more concerned about is setting an example for the younger generations that will see that pic of the 9 bass on a single stringer and think its ok to do it themselves next time they go fishing. i know when i was a kid i immortalized Harold Ensley and Virgil Ward and if I seen them doing that I'd think it was ok to do it too. I'm using that as an examp;e referring to complying to MDC regulations.
  14. yea seemed a little overkill to me too. i fish mostly nights so not sure i need a crap load of ice and drain half my live wells. a little hydrogen peroxide and fishy valium goes a long ways.
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