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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. I think everyone overloked the fine print. It says you get access to the hiking and bike trail with any stay. Now that's a deal!! SIO3
  2. I don't think Holiday Hills gets very busy but I haven't played it years. It's real rock pile though. I used to take the kids and my dad there. Maybe somebody has some more recent info for you. SIO3
  3. There are a wide range of courses around Branson the two mentioned above are at the top of the range. Google golf Branson and you can get all you need. Here I did it for you. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...;q=branson+golf SIO3
  4. Contact your local Missouri Department of Conservation office and request pond management help. I think it's free. SIO3
  5. Looks more like algae bloom from fertilizer run off. Just a guess. SIO3
  6. Hey Troutringer Head down hwy 30 to Byrnes Mill, it's about twenty minutes down south. The Big River is in that area and there are several public access points you could try. The area is used heavily by fisherman and partiers alike, but the fishing can be good at times. Good luck and give us a report if you go. SIO3
  7. Nice vids!!! Thanks. What golf course were you bass fishing at? SIO3
  8. Thanks for the reports guys. My brother was down there last weekend and he heard they had a fish kill during the high water the week before. Anybody hear that? He said there were fish, belly up everywhere. I read Weaver's reports but nothing has ever come out about it. SIO3
  9. I don't know about all that, but they like corn. SIO3
  10. JJ It worked!! SIO3
  11. I have trouble reading the small text size on the forum. I have Vista and when I click on "view", "text size" and "larger" it doesn't change the text size on the forum. Is there a way to enlarge it through the forum? THANKS! SIO3
  12. Nice! Looks like some Commons mixed in there too. SIO3
  13. Good call Denjac . I wanted to go to that too Soggyfeet. SIO3
  14. $20 says they drag out another one!
  15. Hey buddy I guess I missed your first post. Doesn't the RDP dry up all but when it rains? Whenever I drive over it it's always empty. SIO3
  16. Docta Wasn't calling you out. Just pointing out that statins lower cholesterol. SIO3
  17. DoctaJ Statins lower cholesterol, they aren't for blood pressure. SIO3
  18. Hey Wack Nice pics!!! Post up the 411 on your guide service. Me and some buddies live in St. Chuck and we might be interested in a trip. If you want don't want to post it PM me. Carry on. SIO3
  19. Family dealio Pat, Sorry . Red Lobster was good!!! Those biscuits rock!!!! SIO3
  20. I was down over the weekend and I couldn't catch a trout under 12 inches. I wanted fry some up and I just couldn't catch one small enough. I fly fished from the cable to the Big Hole. I wouldn't keep one over twenty so that didn't matter. Went to Red Lobster instead. SIO3
  21. Phil, someone is selling wading trips in feeder creeks and has been all winter. Catch fish or it's free. SIO3
  22. In your first post you mention the State Park. It's a great place to camp but a long way to fish anywhere else. SIO3
  23. And don't rely on that too much either. Talk to Gary at Rim, he'll line you out and keep you from drowning while you whackem!!! Have fun and report your success to us. SIO3
  24. Let em go! I just plant em and let em rip. I don't have time to mess with em much. Side benefit is, critters can't get at em either. Turtles will put the hurt on em in a hurry around my house. SIO3
  25. 64 is closed from Kingshighway to 170 due to construction. You can google the shops and see where they are located. SIO3
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