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I am realitivly new to the area and was wanting some input on fishing line used on TR. Since the water is so clear how many of you use flourocarbon line? I have been lucky enough to get by with Spiderwire on my flipping tackle in KS and OK but don't imagine I will be so lucky here. Can a guy use strickly moss green colored mono? If I go with flourocarbon do you guys feel you have to still downsize your line or can a guy get by with 20 lb test??? What flourocarbon lines do you guys recommend. I have been looking at picking up some of the P-Line Flouroclear and giving it a try.

Thanks in advance!!


I personally rarely go over 12lb. I use the Moss green or Fluorocarbon mostly, staying with 8-10 most of the time. I haven't had too bad of luck with the Basss Pro exel and it is available on a large spool for a reasonable price.(change out often)





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On the rock, i usually fish 10-12 excel mono(moss green) or depending what lures i'm using i'll fish Seaguar florocarbon between 6-12lbs. It's a little expensive, but worth every penny.... The bps excel for the money is the best mono out there, replace often though and if you catch bass pro at the right time you can get a large spool for abour $8..


For plastics and jigs, I have been using a BPS mono as a backing, then attaching 14 # Fireline. Then, I add a 4 foot 8# leader of Berkley Vanish. This setup gives me the Fireline feel and great casting, hidden florocarbon, and I do not have to change my line as often. Vanish is costly; however, I am only using 4 feet at a time. The Fireline last a long time and the mono backing keeps the Fireline from slipping. The backing and Fireline setup is included in the Fireline box.

Good luck,

Captain Joe Hreha

Owner of MO Fenchbulldogs.com; Captain Joe's Guide Service (Retired); OAF Contributor; & Captain, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired)


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