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Lead Core Fishing.

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Thirty-five years ago, I used 30# Lead-Core line trolling for kingfish and Wahoo, offshore in Florida. I did not really care for the method at the time, and generally had better luck with a 6 oz. trolling lead. All of the weighted lines, trolling weights, planers and other hardware adds a lot weight at the end of your line and can cause lost fish. I think these “Lead-Core” rods would probably used in some Western and Northern lakes trolling for Lake Trout and the like, instead of using planers and down-riggers. I did use down-riggers trolling for Sockeye Salmon in Alaska and they worked well…..Sunfish45

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If you get the rods our for people to see, you would likely sell a few of them. Leadcore fishing is a VERY effective way of presenting baits. I think Martin pretty much summed up the basis of leadcoring. What length are the rods? I prefer 7 footers but have seen guys use rods as long as 10 foot.

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Length of rod depends on how you want to "set-up" for the day. We use leadcore specific rods that are 5 feet long when we run 2 leadcore rods, one off of each back corner of the boat. Holding that thought, we put another rod on each side with superline and either use planer boards to spread the lures or just use really long rods without planer boards. The idea is to get, say, 4 trolling rigs out with the lures spread out enough not to tangle, and to cover more water.

Terry, I'd love to see one of these rods. Rangerman asked a great question. What length are the rods you have ?

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5' 6" 2pc Med action spinning

6' 6" 2pc Med action spinning

7' 2pc Med action casting

Martin... Get with me and we'll set up something so you can use one of these rods to give me some feedback.

Email me terry(at)hobotackle(dot)com



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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