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Harrison District Board Of Realtors Fishing Tournament Benifiting The Special Olympics - September 21 - Moonshine Beach

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Everyone please take a look at the fishing tournament being put on by the Harrison Board of Realtors at Moonshine Beach on Table Rock Lake - September 21, 2013. This is a benifit tournament for the Special Olympics, and is also in memory of my Grandfather Charles "Chicken" Hodge.

We have been working on getting some great prizes lined up, Free Lunch, drawings, T-shirts, and much more. The tournament is 50% payback with 1 place being paid for every 10 entires. All proceeds going to the Special Olympics.

The tournament portion of the event is from 7AM till noon. There will be a gathering for the weigh-in and lunch at Moonshine Beach. Then at 1:30 all able bodies willing to help are going to help a special olympian do some fishing. We are working with an area agency on setting this portion up. Some Olympians will be able to participate from boats while others will be on the bank, so any help from any angle is appreciated. Also, if you would like to be a sponsor there are endless opportunties.

Please feel free to contact me or the Harrison Board of realtors for any questions.

Registration and sponsorship form can be found on the right side of the page below.


pdf.gif Tournament Flyer.pdf 797.5K 0 downloads


Aaron Hodge



Update on some of the prizes that will be given to fishermen by drawing and as prizes - Custom Falcon Cara Rod made in memory of Chicken Hodge, additional brand name rods and reels, Jewel Jigs, Pradco lures, Gift certificates to several local resturaunts and business, and we are still receiving donations. We have received a donation of substantial amount to purchase more prizes for this tournament and are currently reviewing our options. All of this in addition to substantial pledges for the Special Olympics from over 30 area individuals and businesses. Donations from business or individual are being accepted and greatly appreciated.

The event is coming together to be a great event and day. Would love to have you come fish with us and support this great cause, and a chance at some really nice prizes.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just got some exciting news from BasCat Boats. This tournament will be Quest Sanctioned which will mean additional Cash to the winner (up to $1,000) if they are BassCat owners and part of the Quest program. We have received more prizes and I believe this event is going to be well worth your time as a fisherman as well as a great way to donate your time to help someone in the Special Olympics. Only a little over a week away now. Please help me spread the word and come join us for a great time September 21 at Moonshine Beach.


We are getting some entries, and a lot of people have expressed they are planning on fishing, but not as many entries (with the entry fee) as I would like to see. The word has been put out well though through several local tournaments and bass clubs, web sites, bait stores, The Fishing Radio Show, etc. and I feel like a lot of folks are waiting until the last minute or are planning on signing up at the ramp. If someone wanted to get an early boat draw they still could at this point; and the prizes are really great. Just got a Falcon rod and Pflueger reel (both like $200 values) to give away and will be purchasing more great stuff this week thanks to a substantial cash donation from a couple of sponsors.

The flyer states 50% payback, but if feasible (depending on # of entries vs. fixed costs) this payout will be higher. We want to raise as much money as possible for the Special Olympics, but we want this event to be very good for the fishermen involved. We want it to grow.

T-shirts for the event will be given to the fisherman as well as a free lunch. Come give it a shot, and I think you'll want to come back.


Bless your heart for helping the Special Olympic Athletes! My wife will send my form in sometime this week. And if y'all need someone to take some of the children fishing afterwards, just let me know. I told my wife that we're just "donating" because I haven't fished Table Rock this May. But I can't wait think of a better reason to leave the house in NW Arkansas for a couple days ;)


I am tickled to hear that you are coming. I hope we are able to send you home with some goodies, and some good memories. I am pretty sure there is going to be opportunity for everyone that is willing to help with the Special Olympics fishing derby portion of this event; we are really just not sure on the size of the event at this point, LOL. I guess we'll find out soon enough. I know another fishing event for the Special Olympians was held about 2 weeks ago, so this may cut down some on our Olympian attendance some, this truly is a test run/learning experience for us.

I do plan on taking some of the Olympians out in my boat for a short venture within the takeoff cove. Going to shoot for like 20-30 minutes in the boat and if a fish is caught then great, if not a little putting around in the boat will be a memorable occasion for most of them.

At very least we will be there for a great cause!

Thanks to everyone that plans on attending and all those who have donated to the cause.


Fishing hodge I would love to fish this event but I will not beach my boat to weigh in fish. Is there a courtesy dock there you could park until you weigh in your fish.

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