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  • Root Admin

The presentation Al did last evening involved mostly images of sections of rivers and creeks he fishes, taken from google earth and enhanced to show depths and current. He explained basically where to look for fish in these situations.

Providing the audio of his talk won't do the listener any good because he won't have the images Al is referring to and Al does not want to post these images.

I am going to go through the recording in the next couple of days and see if I can edit and provide at least some of his talk.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Phil, thanks for taking the time to arrange all of the seminars you're hosting this winter. I know that Dan and I enjoyed Al's presentation and I'm sure that anyone who was paying attention left with some great food for thought. Al and Mary, thanks for taking the time to drive all the way down to Springfield and I'm glad that you made it back home safe and sound. Dan and I enjoyed nice weather all day Saturday. It was about 55 degrees in Houston at 3pm but the temps dropped into the 30's by the time we hit Rolla.

Matt Wier


The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance: Recreation, Education, and Conservation since 1992

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