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Went to a high water spot of mine with a good friend today for 3 hours  , after a little hike we were  staring at clear water and endless fishy spots. At the first deep hole , i could cast out my white doll fly and watch numerous smaller bass tick and  pop it , i Had a  laugh after i caught a 5 inch drum if that, i could not believe it got hooked.

A cast or two later i hauled in this specimen. Hit as the doll fly slowly floated to bottom, continued down the next couple fishy spots to where my friend had trekked, he caught 4 smallies 10 - 12 inch range) and and 2spots slightly bigger  at the spot we were getting into them the water was too deep for our waders so we were on a  embankment fishing above a deep hole, i was jigging a luminescent grub when i got a substantial strike i  brought  a quality smallie up to the surface but  diddnt get it up the embankment sadly. would have put the one below to shame. 

Another laugh i had was when i had a smallie hit me during a time of inattention, it took the grub at me jumped out of the water , which grasped my attention , i then realized the just jumped  fish was hooked on my lure. i failed to  land that fish also. All in All a good day of fishing .



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Awesome, I've never fished the big riverbut I am planning to head to Browns ford tomorrow morning and try to fly fish for some smallies. Does anyone know if Browns ford is a wadeable? I am bringing the waders but I wasn't sure if it was to deep for that. 


Thanks for the report! I love fishing the big for smallmouth. Your story reminded me of an time when I first started grub fishing a long time ago (I was about 14) I decided just for the heck of it to use it as a top water. Well as I'm reeling it in a bass exploded on it! I was in such shock that it worked I didn't even set the hook...I just sort of stood there in amazement lol needless to say it doesn't have that effect on me now.

9 hours ago, burton brown said:

Does anyone know if Browns ford is a wadeable? 

Nope.  If you want wading water, you'll need to go upstream about 30 miles.  Keep in mind the Big is running pretty full right now from the rains that were earlier in the week so wading is going to be problematic in most places IMO. 

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