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I have really been trying to figure out the bass on taney and have had a few really good days but am still unsure about where and how to pattern these fish. I know a lot depends on how they are generating water and the temp. I know the surface temp stays pretty cool but below the surface I wonder what the actual temp is. I am assuming it's a few degrees warmer. I have heard that some real hogs have been caught out of taney, my personal best is around four and half but I do believe there are some good ones in their. I have fished a few of the creek entrances and grass beds found along the river, always shallow never deep. Do you know of a deep bite? I would be interested in sharing some more info and maybe we could really figure these fish out. Spots, conditions, lures, any info would be great. I will be heading down their to do some bass fishing this week lemme know how you did.


I had to back my trip up to Wednesday because of family commitments over the weekend.

Here is what has worked for me:

Docks:Jig,texas rigged worm, and stick o on sunny days. Overcast days I fish a buzzbait. I had a partner kick my butt on a stick bait this fall. I haven't had any success on docks up the creeks. Every dock fish I have caught has been off a dock on the main lake.

Bluffs:Texas rigged worm and stick o. I fish the last 100 yds or so before the bluff flattens out. Most of the fish have come off of laydowns or brush. Some of this is visible and some you have to look at the bank and note where trees may have come down and are submerged and not visible.

Vegetation:Buzzbait. I have caught fish around some of the weed patches in the Rockaway area. I have tried jigs and texas rigged worms with no success. I caught one spinner bait fish last year with the rest coming on a buzzbait. I have to think a grass frog or horny toad would work on these areas and plan to give it a try.

Places I want to fish more:

The creek just below Branson Landing. I haven't gone back in there very far. I have seen a few guys in there and most of them try to keep a real low profile when they see me so I have to think there is something back there.

Docks above Branson. I have to wonder if there are some bass that camp under the cleaning stations similar to the trout.

Creeks and pockets. I need to invest more time exploring. I have noted a few areas I have seen people fishing and need to go check them out.

Hopefully a few more people will post and share some information. There just isn't the volume of people fishing Taney to get a lot of reports though.

Good luck out there.


hey guys...my 2 cents worth,

trout are cold water species

walleye are cool water species

bass are warm water species

I have learned that fish hang in the best environment suitable to them.

Bass in taney, my opinion, look for structure, warmer water inlets and spots where they have the best forage. Seems to me if you can find a spot where any or all of these things are...fish the tar out of it with whatever you like to fish with. My favorite bait for big bass of any species are live big minnows or a minnow imitation.

keep huntin em...they are there...hope this helps

never have fished taney for bass so this is speculation not experience speaking, lol

My friends say I'm a douche bag ??

Avatar...mister brownie

bm <><


Hey guys, I'm planning on going down to lower Taney Wednesday if I can get someone to come with me so if I do I'll give a report.


I still say there are no bass in Taney. You guys are just trying to get people from TR so you can have it all to yourself. ;)

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

I still say there are no bass in Taney. You guys are just trying to get people from TR so you can have it all to yourself. ;)

I don't mind sharing with other fisherman. It's the waterskiers, jet skiers, and crusiers that I would love to get off TR. Maybe I should have posted that Taney has warm water, lots of scantaly clad ladies and buff guys, and free beer.


hey guys...just an idea

back when I was younger Rockaway Beach was a hot spot, right.

If I remember isn't the water warmer up around there?

they have tried anything they can (gambling boats) whatever to revive rockaway...

wouldn't it be a good new place for a "Party Cove" :hmmm: ...might even take a little pressure off LOZ :omg:

sorry...had to try a couple of those emoctions or whatever the h*ll they are, lmao

My friends say I'm a douche bag ??

Avatar...mister brownie

bm <><

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Last year when the water got warm we caught a lot of bass between Branson and Rockaway Beach. There was a period of time when they ran hardley any water and the water warmed up. Man did the bass fishing get good. We were catching them on Spinner Bait and Crank Bait.

Go up Bull Creek by Rockaway Beach. I have caught a lot of bass up Bull Creek around the island.

Good Luck,



I am 0 for 4 on bull creek. I have only fished the mouth of it though. I need to get back further from what you describe. I posted a report of my trip. It was pretty darn good and I didn't have to fish in deep water or risk getting drowned.

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