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January Update

I have been busy this week and didn't get to go fishing Sunday. I may go today since they are calling for sixty degree weather. Winter fishing for Blues is one of the most exciting times of the year for a catfisherman. You have the lake to yourself and if you get into fish its not unusual to catch several hundred pounds of fish in a short time. I hope to catch one of the white bass runs this year so if anyone can help in that regard please PM me. Now a word about myself. I am a lifelong



Winter Catfishing

Well in the world of Blue Catfishing this is prime time! I am looking forward to the coming weekend and breaking out the boat for the first time since october. I have been struggling with an irregular heart beat since last spring that has limited me to less frequent fishing. I am planning to make a run down to the Niangua and see if I can tangle with some winter Blues on Sunday. I have planned several such trips this fall but my wifes refusal to let me go alone has caused some cancelllations. My



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