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Cabin Fever

Is it just me or does everyone else experience the winter blues when the hunting season ends and its to darn cold to get out and do any serious fishing? Here it is the middle of Feb. already and I'm about to go nuts due to inactivity. I don't hunt rabbits, ponds and lakes are frozen over, bucks aren't dropping their sheds yet, its 5* outside and the windchill is -10* and all I seem to be able to do is sit my fat butt in my La-z-boy and watch reruns of my favorite hunting shows. I know, I can answer my own question, get a hobby, I could be tying flies, reloading shells, fletching arrows, painting wildlife, and any other number of things to pass the time. I'm a lazy SOAB. I have to say though, I bring it upon myself, its the price I have to pay to remain free and have the ability to do what I want when I want. This winter is hanging in there unlike winters past. I'm going to suck it up and get out this weekend to try some ice fishing. I'll keep you posted.


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