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Yet Another Work In Progress "bite Of The Day"

So last weekend my friend from junior high through college came up his with little girl and his parents for the weekend. His parents had a week at a timeshare near Branson. For the last year or so he has been living in Dallas, TX after living in Denver for several years. In Colorado he fell in love with fly-fishing, a love that his father had discovered years before. Living in Dallas he is several hours drive to the closest trout fishing and he knew how much I love fly-fishing so they all came well prepared. I only got to fish with him for a few hours, since my wife was baby-sitting my son with Jim's parents whom she never had met before. The next day though Jim brought his father where he and I fished the day before and Jim sent me a couple of pictures after he got back to Dallas. When I saw one of them I knew I had to paint it or at least the spirit of it. I will keep adding pics as I work on it. Shouldn't take more than a couple weeks, but then again I am terrible at guess-timating finishing times. It will be done when its done.

Day One.


Day Two.


Phillip Taylor


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Did you ever finish?



i did finish but not this one. i wasn't happy with something but i couldn't put my finger on it. the one i finished you can see on my facebook fanpage and then click on the etsy tab. it will be auctioned off at conclave to raise money for FFF southern council at the end of september

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