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From: I Hate Retirees; That Right I Said It

Whenever the weather allows me to get out, I'm at work. When I'm not at work, I'm stuck doing life chores because I'm behind due to the weather. When I'm not at work and have no chores, the weather sucks. I can't wait to become one of "them" and eliminate one of these issues. I either hate the weather or retirees. The weather will change, but these guys aren't going back to work.


Until then, keep the reports coming so "we" can live through "you". Lucky bastards :innocent:

Tight Lines,


Isn't it funny how the non-retired gripe about the weather and stay home while the retired go fishing if it is anywhere between 125 degrees hot and 1 degree cold....rain or shine, sleet or snow, wind or calm, high water or low water, sick or well. How can you hate the weather if you stay in because of it, and how can you hate the retired because they dont let the weater bother them

Love'm both and get outside!!!!!!!!!



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