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June Update

Wow, I can't believe it's been five months since I last posted. Time really does fly. I've had to revamp my thinking regarding the posting. Due to some confidentiality issues I will no longer post a synopsis of our runs. I would still like to post about our runs, I'm just not sure how. Any ideas would be welcome. Let me know if you would like me to continue.

My family is growing. John and Stephanie are expecting another child. A girl! My daughter, Jacqui, and her husband, Lee, are expecting their first. I can't wait. That will make four grandchildren and a ton of fun to come!

John has got orders to Japan for three years so that's a bummer. But, It's great that he gets to see the world and his family will be able to go along. Sue, my wife, isn't near as happy about it as I am. That's the mom and grandma in her.

As for work, I've been moved up to shift supervisor. I'm into my second month of it and it's going real well. One nice benefit is that I no longer move from station to station each month. I get to stay at the HQ station. Not having to pack up and move each month is nice!

Well that's about it for now. I'll try to post a little faster next time. Take care and be safe.

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Heck yeah John I enjoy reading about the runs, this from an old and former EMT....


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