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Everything posted by NoLuck

  1. Murdoc, You are correct about the place and time.I as well,look forward to meeting everyone.Only 13 more days!!!! See you all there. Rich
  2. Hello Duckydoty, I think we should wait and see exactly how many of us are going to make it.Then we can figure out how much stuff we need to bring.Lets get a complete head count then go from there a week or so ahead of the 25th. I like the idea of bringing along some fly tying gear as I'm not yet involved with tying myself YET!!I just recently got back into fly fishing this year and I am head first into it.I Planned on taking some tying lessons over the winter at a local fly shop. Take care. Rich
  3. I like to eat trout but they are a little too much preparation to do at the park,at least the way I like em. I think burgers and hotdogs and brats will do just fine.I'll bring a package of each and some chips.I'll bring along my small smokey joe grill too. I don't drink alchol,so I'll bring some soda and water too. Looking forward to a great day. Talk at yaaall later. Rich
  4. Hey Greg, Make sure that you have a few black and brown #18 and #20 tungsten bead head zebra midges in your box.I would also make sure you have a good supply of cracklebacks in #12 and the next size down. Good luck on your trip. Rich
  5. I forgot about the parking lot by the swimming pool. That could be a good spot also. Whats everyone think?
  6. Snow Fly, I would say we should meet either in the picnic area behind the old millhouse at the spring or in the main parking lot near the hatchery.I'm open to what time we should meet since I believe we will all be arriving at different times. I think a good time would be around 10:30 a.m. if thats OK with everyone.If anyone has better ideas jump right in cause I am not the master of ceremonies. Lets get everyones feedback and we'll decide then. Thanks again. Rich
  7. Alright then, I'll put in for the 25th of September for a vacation day.I will more than likely head down on Sunday as well. Now...how about some bar-b-que to go along with the b.s.? I'll bring a small grill but they have a few there at the picnic area too.Nothing fancy, just some simple stuff.Like hotdogs and hamburgers and brats.If not we can all hit the lodge for some lunch. I live about twenty minutes south of St.louis and will probably drive by myself or bring a buddy along in a small ranger pickup. Hope to see you all there!! Rich
  8. OK Guys, I kinda feel like we hijacked the other thread so I started another. I am looking at the calender at the 25th of September for a get together. What do you guys think??It's a Monday so the crowds will be low and it should be cooled off a little by then. I know some of you like the C&R season but that gets into my bowhunting and probably others as well.If I knew of some places in that area to bowhunt it would be awesome to do both. Can't wait to meet you and do some fishing and shooting the breeze. Let me know so I can put in for a vacation day. Rich
  9. On the get together.... Some of us are probably going to be in the woods in late October and early November.I am going to be thats for sure.I leave for firearms season on the Thursday before the second Saturday in November. I think a weekday while the keep season is still going would be best.If not, a Sunday or Saturday after it gets a little cooler would work also. I just need a couple of weeks to put in for vacation days. Rich
  10. OK, Now that a few of yaalll want to get together.What day would you be willing to go?I have 3 weeks of vaca left to use before Dec 31st so just let me know.I work every other Saturday so a Sunday would be best for me on the weekend.Weekdays are less crowded but I don't mind it so much after school starts back up.Only 2 months left in the keep season but I don't mind cold weather either. Just let me know when, I'm completely open. Rich
  11. Good Luck Steve, I'll be the guy with a brand new Sage XP 3wt trying to toss dry flies. Can't wait till Saturday eve to try it out.Maybe I'll start feeling a little ill Friday morning Rich
  12. Hello, I will be down there also on Saturday eve and Sunday. I plan to use scuds and zebra midges mostly.If they are hitting on top I will switch up to a Griffiths gnat or a crackleback.I try to fish above the dam mostly but there is good fishing below as well.It's just hard sometimes to get away from the people.If the water is still really clear you will have to use a 6x or possibly a 7x tippet.If it's hot find the shady spots. Good luck on your trip. Rich
  13. Hello everyone, I am new to this site. I have read stuff many times but never registered. I have just recently started to get back into fly fishing and was looking for info.Thanks to all who helped me out.You probably helped and didn't even know. I recently purchased a 5wt Sage Launch and a Tioga reel.So far its only use has been at the trout parks of Bennett Springs and Montauk.I will get down to the headwaters of Taney sometime soon. Any how........ Thanks a bunch. Rich
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