Floated Cane Bluff to Turner two weekends ago. We definitely had to work for it a little bit. I caught about 25 trout between Greer Spring and Turner. Many of the fish were young and short fish. 5"-7". We caught them on girdle bugs, don's crawdad, both size 8-10. We also caught a bunch on prince nymphs, hare's ear nymphs, and copper johns...sizes 12-16. The fishing was steady below Greer, but above Greer in the slack water it was really slow. I did catch a good 14" rainbow about a mile down from Cane Bluff. Once we got into the trout, most were small. Most were caught off shoals and it I had to bet, the little fish were beating the larger ones to the flies. Great trip, camped on a rock bar, saw a bunch of ducks, otters, and two different bald eagles. Weather was good, fishing was slower and quality of fish was poorer than in past late summer trips. We'll be back later in the summer. The next few years of fishing will be great as all those young wild fish mature and grow.