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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Jacob


    15-16 feet on the nose I run 12lb florcarbon, 1.5 mph throw alot of line out say about 75 ft
  2. Jacob


    Fished today 6am-1pm Ceder ridge area 12 keeper crappie and 2 catfish. Bandit 300's trolling on points and coves 18-22 ft water. cradad colors. and one called mad cow. Cuaght alot of white bass, crappie shorts. I'll be out at mutton area day and night wed-sat well see how it goes.
  3. Thats crazy. I did the same thing on Sunday from 10-8pm only got 6 keeper crappie. What color were you using? I normally do really good with the mini bass , 18-23 deep. about 1.5mph
  4. Put in at mutton today, 10am. No luck on brush piles. Went long lineing a bandit crank bait (mini bass color) and pulled a bottom bouncer with a worm. No luck on the main lake but there were alot of fish in the bigger coves. 25' of water fish are 15' suspended. Total for the day Keepers 9 crappie and a 17 1/2" large mouth. About like 20 or so shorts. Off the lake by 4pm.
  5. Well for anyone who went out today it was nuts, boats everywhere. Water temp 70 in the coves and 68 on the main lake. Windy as always. Caught a lots of shorts. Keeper count 1 bass, 1 walleye, 4 crappie . Pretty bad day out, but we probley got 30 ish or so shorts. Last few weekends we been limiting out of walleye every trip out. This weekend was different, ran a bottom bouncer for part of the day forty foot of water. Then we just trolled a crappie crank and a jig with a minnow or worm. Even caught a nice cat, she looked to be full of eggs. Good day at the lake, but it was busy.
  6. Fishing over the years I've learned the water is clam in the morning and at dusk. Anything in between just hold on. I was dipping the nose of my nitro for hours last weekend. The ole terrova with I-pilot kept me right on the point with no issues other then my bilge turning on every now and then .. lol
  7. After many hours of trying to get gps info imported into my hds 10, Heres how I did it. If you go to the lowrance website http://www.lowrance.com/Downloads/ and click the link for GPXtoUSR Geocaching Application and you can download it. I downloaded the .gpx file off of the mdc website then used the program to convert it to a .usr file. I then stuck that file on my sd card. I turned on my hds unit and let it boot up. Inserted the sd card in the unit. I started inside my sonar screen pressed the page button once to get the main screen options hit my right arrow to get the the utlities section. Selected files and hit enter. Opened up my sd card and high lighted the usr file. I thnk then you press menu and then import. And presto.... It took me days to figure all that out. I'll include the newest converted .usr file that I installed tonight on mine. It might save you a little extra time. It's all the lakes in missouri and the lastest file. well crud if wont let me attach it. If you want it email and I'll send it to ya. Also I noticed they just did an upgrade to the firmware to 4.0 with alot of fixes. Just an fyi Skeeter, I've often wondered if my sonar if really as good as it should be. If your ever at the lake when I am, I'd love to hook up and compare. Ive got the hds10 email me sometime. Jacob_kangas@hotmail.com If have issues withthe import just hollar.
  8. If you decide for the mech option. Theres a guy in Republic that has an add on craigslist for working on outboards. We took one of our boats over there the other day. He replaced our trim motor power wire and did a really good job. There was no waiting and he was really cheap. I geuss he used to have a shop years ago. just an fyi
  9. Went fishing around mutton today. 62 degrees in the main channel 65 in the coves. Good top water bite. Using a popper. 9 smalls in 1.5 hours. Most around 14"s and one 15" and a 16". Question I picked up a hds 10 and a sturcture scan last weekend. I got everything working. the sonar works great. The down scan works aswome. I see so much stuff. I'm finding brush piles I never knew existed. but I never see anything on my side scan. It just always looks barren. Thoughts? I have it set on shallow water. I fish 30' on average. 833hz.
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