I saw that they were going to be shutting the release down yesterday evening so decided to go give the line a try.Got to the river just as they blew the horns.Well the line was not as bad as some on the net said.Seems most that hated it said it had the worst memory of any line they evey fished.Otheres said it had no memory at all and laid perfectly straight and flat right out of the box.It did have some memory but I did not get the chance to stretch the line so that might take care of that.It seems to shoot very well.I think it is going to take a little getting used to since I have been useing Orvis wonderline for years.The Airflo loads the rod up different than the wonderline.The rod I use most is a 5wt 3 piece Gloomis Slate custom built rod.I have a 2 piece St.croix Ultimate Legend 5wt rod I think I am going to test it out on.I am glad I went yesterday,woke up feeling bad again so did not get to go this morning.If there not running water on tuesday may try to go if feeling up to it.Oh and the fish were biting great,caught lots of fish.