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Everything posted by Spiritwolf

  1. Well ended up not getting to go.If anyone went Saturday or today like to know how it went.
  2. Just wondering if anyone took advantage of the chance to fish this weekend.I am thinking of going this afternoon.Looks like starting monday they will be back to running water all day again.
  3. I have been wondering the same thing.I was wanting to get in some fishing during this great fall weather but has not been the case.I can't see how its due to generating for power since during hottest days of summer they were not running like they are now.Most people I know are taking advatage of mild weather and keeping electric bills low.
  4. Decided to go try my luck in the rain this afternoon.Pulled in to the parking lot at first turn off below dam at about 1:40.There was a very light rain coming down.They shut the water off at 2:00 and I started fishing just above kiddy pool.I hooked up on the third cast and landed a nice rainbow.Missed 2 more in the next few cast then nothing for next 15 min or so so moved a little up stream.Hooked up on third cast.Caught 4 more back to back then rain started to come down a lot harder.No more takes for next 20 min so decided to change flys.Took off a #18 red epoxy back baetis and put on a #16 clear cure goo fly. I just got the clear cure goo kit and like it alot better than epoxy.I caught 2 more and decided to call it a day.I think I am going to really like coming up with some flys using the clear cure goo.Here are a few photos of the epoxy back baetis and the other fly I came up with just playing around with the clear cure goo the day I got the kit.
  5. Decided to go fishing for a few hours this morning.Only was able to fish for a few hours but a few hours fishing is better than none.Had fun for those couple hours.They seemed to like a small #18 red tungsten glossy back baetis.I tie these on a tmc 2499sp-bl hook,man they are one sharp little hook.I also caught a few on a #18 red disco midge.Caught 6 fish in the kiddy pool and 7 in the slack water just up stream from the kiddy pool.Caught 3 more just before I left in the brush pile just down stream from kiddy pool.I got a new reel and wanted to try it out.Its a Lamson litespeed #2 5wt reel.Man it is one light reel and love the drag system.It is also a true large arbor and can take up line in a hurry.I can't wait to take it up to the blackfeet reservation in Montana next spring and go after some of the monster trout they have up there.Fishing up there is main reason I wanted this reel.Have lost some really big trout up there on Duck lake when fish had me well into my backing then turned and made a run strait at me.Just could not take up slack in the line fast enough.If anyone is interested I have a gloomis slate custom built 5wt 3 piece rod for sale.It has a Cabelas RLS disk drag large arbor reel on it.Have a Rio Gold 5wt fly line to go with it.Line is brand new and still in the box.Also have a 7wt St.Croix Legend Ultra rod for sale if anyone is interested.
  6. I have also been thinking about getting a drift boat or a raft with a casting frame.Was thinking of using it on the lower section below the dam when there running water.Has anyone tried fishing for trout this way when the rivers up?
  7. I saw that they were going to be shutting the release down yesterday evening so decided to go give the line a try.Got to the river just as they blew the horns.Well the line was not as bad as some on the net said.Seems most that hated it said it had the worst memory of any line they evey fished.Otheres said it had no memory at all and laid perfectly straight and flat right out of the box.It did have some memory but I did not get the chance to stretch the line so that might take care of that.It seems to shoot very well.I think it is going to take a little getting used to since I have been useing Orvis wonderline for years.The Airflo loads the rod up different than the wonderline.The rod I use most is a 5wt 3 piece Gloomis Slate custom built rod.I have a 2 piece St.croix Ultimate Legend 5wt rod I think I am going to test it out on.I am glad I went yesterday,woke up feeling bad again so did not get to go this morning.If there not running water on tuesday may try to go if feeling up to it.Oh and the fish were biting great,caught lots of fish.
  8. I have been reading the posts on this board for awhile.I have gotten lots of useful info from it and want to thank you guys for it.I started fly fishing some time ago when I took a trip up to Glacier N.P. with a buddy.I had been going up there for years but never with a fly rod.My buddy had a fly rod so I decided to buy one and give it a try.I could not cast to save my life and beat the heck out of the water but still caught fish.I fell in love with the sport.Back on the 1st of March I had to have surgery and have not been able to work since mid Feb.I am having complications from the sugery and can only stand on my feet for a few hours before the pain puts me down for the rest of the day.I was about to go crazy not being able to do anything.Also the doctor started calling the pain chronic and have been told can't get disability for cronic pain.Having to deal with the pain and the worry of how to pay the bills sometimes can get to be almost to much.One day I decided to hell with the pain I was going fishing.I only was able to last a little over an hour before the pain became to much.I ended up having to set in my car for an hour before I could drive home after taking a pain pill.For that short time that morning on the river I did not worry about anything other than the cast and the thrill of catching a fish on a fly that I tied.After getting home even though I could not do anything else the rest of the day I felt better emotionally than I had in months.Since that day I try to go a few days a week if I am feeling well enough.I have figured out that if I take a pain pill just before I start fishing I can last 3 or 4 hours before the pain becomes to much.For thoughs hours I get the much needed break form the worries that not being able to work has brought on.I am 49 so still a ways to go before I can get Social Security unless they rule this something other than chronic.Fly fishing has become a real life saver for me.It gives me something to look forward to each week.A time to give my mind a break.Don't know if I could have found any better therapy.
  9. I had been useing Orvis wonderline on my 5wt and 7wt.I bought the 7wt to use when I float tube the Blackfeet Reservation up in north west Montana if the wind gets to strong for the 5wt.There are some real huge rainbows in the lakes up there.I have hooked several huge trout and have had more than one take out most of my backing before breaking me off.Still waiting to land a Duck Lake monster rainbow.Had a guy next to me land a 18 pounder.Well back to fly line now.I just decided to try out Airflo's ridge line for my 5wt.Seems people on the net either hate it or love it.Cabelas said I could try it out then if I decided I did not like it I could send it back.It just came in and have only had the chance to yard cast it a few times,it seems to shoot well.I had hoped to get to hit the river and try it out this morning but woke up not feeling well so will try again in the morning if there not running water.I live near highway 10 just a short ways from the upper river and man it is full.Lots of water flowing into Tenkiller.Will let you know how the Ridge line performs when I get it on the water.
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