I only know about this situation what Brian typed. I don't even know Brian. We've exchanged greetings a couple of times and that's about it.
But Brian's account of Brian's actions bothers me a lot more than any account of some guy getting stuck out there ever has.
To summarize what I got from it:
1. I KNEW the guy was in trouble.
2. I goofed around for awhile before doing anything.
3. I'm a super-stud waterdog hero lifesaver and everyone knows me.
4. I called the water patrol way too late, but it's their fault they didn't show up until it was over.
5. Someone else rescued the guy while I sat there watching the show, but I'm sorta taking credit for it anyway because I DID go tell the dam operator what was happening.
6. They should give this poor accident victim a ticket for being dumb because interfering with power generation is a crime.
Yeah? Well so is standing idly by and watching someone drown...which, by your own account...is almost what you did.
Just a suggestion: next time you "know" someone is in trouble (and I agree, sometimes you just get that feeling even though the facts aren't in yet) how about you call the water patrol on your cell phone (or ask someone nearby to do it if you don't have one) and THEN holler at the dam operator. FYI, that phone is there for emergencies. Don't be afraid to use it in a real emergency. And...don't brag about it. Just post, "another guy almost died yesterday below the dam because he didn't heed the horn. Luckily, some good samaritans came by and rescued him."
I'm sure you're a decent chap and all that jazz, but based on what you wrote, I would say you weren't your sharpest self that day or when you typed this.
You're right. Once you type it...it's out there! There's no taking it back.