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About RudyCardenas

  • Birthday 08/09/1957

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Belleville IL
  • Interests
    Bass Fishing, Motorcylces, Sports, Computers, Working Out

RudyCardenas's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Sounds simple enough. Thanks for the tip!
  2. I've been a member since April 2010. I honestly thought I had done the intro back then but relized that I spaced it out so here I am. I like LOZ and TR because of the rocky shoelines and sheer cliffs and I like the variety of depth. That's one thing we don't see much of in my neck of the woods. The clear water is a challenge and I usually do not make the proper adjustments to my technique and struggle because of it. Something I need to be more a aware of. In spite of that my biggest bass came from LOZ in 1999; 6.59lbs from the Grand Glaize arm. I used a C-Rig in 20ft depth. I'm heading out to Pomme de Terre in mid-Sep to fish in a club Tx so I'm trying to get some intel on that lake. If anyone wants to send me some pointers I'm all ears. Glad to be here.
  3. When do they start drawing down for the winter?
  4. Does anyone have any info to share on water color and temp these days? i'm heading that way mid-September and sure could use a pointer or two. Thanks.
  5. Hello from Bellleville IL!

  6. Hello Ozark Angler members! I've been a member for a few days and finally got around to my first post. I thought it should be an Intro. Was at Ozarks 2 weeks ago and tomorrow AM I'm heading for TR just in time for the next wave of weather. Still beats work though. Any advice for an out-of-stater who hasn't been to the Rock in 10 years?
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