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Everything posted by Moanzie

  1. Very nice... I really enjoyed the video. I'm going with the Go Pro Hero II very soon. Im sure well see you on the river. Keep em coming.
  2. That is a sweet drift ..... One questions though...... have you been able to convince your wife to park her car in the driveway ? Seriously ... nothing better than being on the river with family and friends.
  3. R.L. Roach Newburg MO.
  4. That's pretty cool..... do you remember when you got it ? I'm assuming at the store in Rolla ?
  5. Nice Fish .........The problem with streamers is that it takes over your fly fishing. Those big browns definitely get in your blood. Nothing better than that flash, boil and take. I still however love the perfect drift with a nymph rig. Ray
  6. I appreciate all the input above. Matt and Chris looking forward to meeting you in January. Ray
  7. Another great video !!! Thanks for sharing Brian looking forward to meeting you and Matt in January.
  8. I came across this map that I have saved from many years ago. If I recall I bought it when I was probably 12 or 13 in Rolla, MO circa 1979 - 1980 (just a guess). The map references details about our Ozark trout waters. Im really glad I held onto it . In fact, if you look close enough you can see some of my handwritten notes on favorite parts of these streams that I fished with my father growing up. The map pictures Tom Shipley and references his fly shop Ozark Mountain Sports Outfitters. It's titled a guide to Trophy Trout Streams. I was wondering if any of you had seen it or knew of Tom and his shop OMSO. I can trace some of my early love and wonder for our rivers back to this map (remember pre-internet here). As a kid of 12 or so I thought at the time it was a real treasure map. On the map, Tom, writes about naturally reproducing Ozark trout. You can tell he has a real appreciation for what we hold dear. The map includes the following quote. "The Ozark Mountains and her rivers make up a beautiful but fragile environment. Please treat them with repsect." Tom Shipley If anyone knows more about Tom and his store I'd love to hear more. Also tell him thanks from me. It is Thanksgiving after all. Ray Riedy http://troutjourney.blogspot.com/
  9. Reminds me of some of the gators on Swamp People....... "Shoot him, Elizabeth!" "Shoot him, Elizabeth!" Nice fish !!!!
  10. Here is a recent video from the NFOW before the flooding in late April. Sounds like it will be a while before we can all get back out. So in the meantime enjoy some video from our last trip........ By the way .. Check out the small brown around the 2:30 mark for those that have been discussing browns that size in the stream. Also, this was my first trip with my daughter Brooke on the NFOW. Hopefully many more to come......................... She can already row better than my two regular fishing parters. Just sayin................................ Oh and.... thanks to Justin and Sunburst Ranch for being such great friends to us on every trip. As the song says "I'm already there....... in daydream" Check out the blog of of our Fly Fishing adventures at..... www.Troutjourneys.com <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/22777519?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="700" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/22777519">North Fork of The White River April 2011</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/troutjourneys">R. Riedy</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  11. The song is by Collin Hay - Wayfaring Sons... if your as old as I am and you remember the eighties, he was the front man for the band Men At Work... does some really great solo acoustic stuff now. The tent is actually a Marmot, cant remember the model. I have had this one for probably 7 or 8 years now... its done me well 4 Alaska trips probably 20 other trips in Missouri, Arkansas, and Montana.
  12. Here is a recent video from the Point. Great River. Check out the blog of of our Fly Fishing adventures at..... www.Troutjourneys.com <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/20728573" width="600" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/20728573">Eleven Point River February 2011</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/troutjourneys">R. Riedy</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  13. 8 1/2 ft end of grip to end of blade. Condition 9 out of 10. Price tag still visible. Carlisle's maintenance-free, quality aluminum shafts give you maximum strength and performance. The 1-7/8" diameter thick-walled tempered aluminum tubing is sheathed in colorful, abrasion-resistant polyethylene tubing. 8' and longer oars have reinforced inner shafts for extra-duty strength. Rubber grips cushion the molded plastic handles. Removable blades permit easy storage and transport. Rugged and light, Carlisle Outfitter blades are constructed of tough, UV-resistant plastic with a full-length tempered aluminum spine for superior strength, and a strong insert to withstand aggressive boating. A push-button mechanism locks the blade securely to either a Carlisle or Cataract shaft. This Outfitter blade is 6-1/2" wide. Used includes oars and blades $175 shipped OBO. Call Ray 913-956-1380 Posted on Craigslist in Kansas City PostingID: 2222917317
  14. The longboat is the perfect craft to be rowing on the river especially after serving chili. Just another "drafting" benefit of the longboat. When building one the length of the boat should be in direct proportion to the amount of chili consumed.
  15. Not too far ...... Mountain lion verified in Platte County This was the 11th verified sighting of a mountain lion in Missouri since 1994. A mountain lion was caught on camera in southern Platte County, the Missouri Department of Conservation. This is only the 11th time that Missouri officials have verified a mountain lion sighting since 1994, though the department receives several reports in a normal year. A scientist with the Mountain Lion Response Team found claw marks and hair samples Tuesday in the tree where the mountain lion was spotted. Picture attached Click Here For More
  16. Brian, I just saw your video and WOW. AWESOME. I really enjoyed. You have captured something really special !!! Thanks for posting... I'll be sharing with my friends. Ray
  17. Great story...loved it......sounds like something from the movie Stand By Me..... If you liked this story and you want some interesting reading on a winter night check out this link. Someone out West started a post on "Whats the weirdest thing you ever found in the woods ?" Tons of really interesting posts. link
  18. Looks like it could have come from Arkansas... Just sayin !!!
  19. First a bit of history Dateline Feb 3, 1937 Authorities say young farmer admits to murder in Ozark thicket, however Robert Kenyon denies he killed the doctor and contends mysterious "Nighthawk" monster actually killed Dr. J.C.B. Davis. J. Edgar Hoover director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, scouts idea of second man in Missouri slaying labels Nighthawk monster, a mythical creature of imagination." Here's more details. Link
  20. I have attached our photos. Kris is pictured on the right while I am on the left. Clearly I am the better looking of the two. See you on the river. Ray
  21. Here is a recent video from the NFOW. I first fished the NFOW in 1981. What a special place. The video includes some video and pics of the largest Rainbow I have ever caught on this river... The trout was pristine without a mark on it. Check out the blog of of our Fly Fishing adventures at..... http://troutjourney.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-06%3A00&updated-max=2011-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-06%3A00&max-results=50 <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/15920898" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/15920898">North Fork Of The White River</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user4924965">R. Riedy</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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