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Fish Hooked

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. The boat is sold! Thank you for your interest!
  2. 2001 Triton 17 foot all aluminum bass boat. 50 hp Mercury, power trim, oil injected, with motor toter. 12 volt MinnKota trolling motor. Recessed well for foot control. 2 batteries. Triton trailer w/spare and trailer jack. Lowrance LMS 520 Color Graph w/GPS on console Lowrance Mark 5X Graph on the bow One Owner Always garaged Custom Boat Cover Live Well, Rod Box, Storage Compartments Asking $3,500 OBO. I live 25 miles west of Springfield, MO. Cell phone is (641) 777-9484
  3. I think I used it 4 or 5 times. A little dust and some pond scum on the pontoons...... I also built a rudder for the back so the boat doesn't spin. It is on a hinge so if the rudder rides up on a rock or stump it doesn't stop the boat and swings back down in the water after you pass the obstacle. I bought the boat for one specific private lake I have permission to fish. Shortly after I bought the pontoon boat the landowner cleared a spot and layed down some gravel so I can now launch my jon boat. I have no need for two boats. Thank you.
  4. You can go to the Sea Eagle web site to view photos and videos. I didn't buy the casting bar because I think you could make one easily. I did buy the two seat pedestals and the electric air pump. It comes with oars and oarlocks too. Also 2 rod holders. Thanks for your questions!
  5. 2010 Sea Eagle 375fc 12 foot, 2 man, inflatable pontoon boat. 2 pedestal seats, electric and manual air pump, MinnKota trolling motor. Used very little, From your trunk to the water in 10 minutes. Very stable. $950. I'm located 25 miles NW of Springfield, MO. Cell phone is (641) 777-9484.
  6. www.seaeagle.com has all the specs. Just the boat itself weighs 67 pounds. With the elec air pump it inflates quickly. Sea Eagle says you can set it up in 15 minutes and they are right! You can either break it all down or sometimes set it all up and load it in the back of my pickup and then just slide it out and you can be fishing in just a minute. Super stable and large enough for 2 people easily. I have 2 seat pedestals so it is very comfortable for an old, fat guy like me to fish all day. I wanted something that would be big enough to be comfortable on a small lake or strip pit, or river, but I think it is too big for the small creeks we have in SW Missouri.
  7. I fish alone and I thought I needed the size of this boat but it's too big for me. Only been in the water 3 times. MinnKota trolling moter, new battery and box, fold down seats and pedestals, electric and manual air pumps, oars, rod holders, home made rudder. Everything fits in a car trunk. About $1500 invested...make offer. Cell (641) 777-9484
  8. Never owned a Kayak or been in one but I went to BPS today and looked at the Ascends. If you are just using it for fishing and not any whitewater stuff will a 10 footer work well as opposed to a 12 footer? It looks like the "sit in" style is more comfy and drier than the "sit on" style. Is this true? It also looks like you can buy the "el-cheapo" model and add on the footpegs, seat, rod holders, and storage yourself and do it better than BPS does. Thank you for any opinions and advice you can give.
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