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    NorCal Sierra Foothills

Damselflies's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Driftin' the White River was great, Thx, Sherrill
  2. Good hike today, but waaaayyy to much water comin' down! Probably have to wait 'til late Jul-Aug due to heavy snow late in yr! :( Too bad...lot's of visible fry means lots of adults. Ron swears he saw two big ones...but who knows. This is not a stocked area! But, have to find some other spots.

  3. Goin' to scout out the Moke above where we fished before...above the powerhouse...it's hike in only and doesn't get much pressure. Hopin' it's a good place! SS

  4. Where we goin' in Aug?! SS

  5. Can finally view pics! Cool vessel! Has he scratched it yet?! SS
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