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Center Punch 2

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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. such a shame. the water is not forgiving that's for sure. I commend all those who were involved in the rescue
  3. its been along time since I have been to taney(over a year) I brought a buddy down for some night fishing. we started between outlet one and 2 with a bang. he has never fly fished before and he started hitting them right off the back. we started off using a modified leonard pms and did really well on them. it got crowded up there so we headed down to koa. caught several more there but then they shut off. Came back up at about 3:00 am and fished gauntlet with some Stillwater nymphs that I made up and got into them really well. best color was olive and you really had to let the fly sit for awhile without any strips to get bit. I had 44 and my buddy had 21. good night for not being there in over a year. taney is the same ol beast and I will be back
  4. here is a pic of it when i caught it
  5. thanks bob-i am going to probably have brett to one for me also-i just dont know to whether to get a 3d replica like you or wall replica
  6. Interesting. i ran into a guy named steve and he said something like the crazies wouldnt leave him alone today. congrats on the fish bud
  7. Hey phil, also hasnt the shocking surveys showed us that the number of browns was way down since 08. I think the pieces of the puzzle are starting to fit. If this is the case then how many browns are in the whole system right now. Should mdc make a stronger effort in releasing alot more browns than they plan? it seems in my little mind that it may take 10-20 years to see taney again the way it was in the mid 2000s
  8. now thats what im talkin about. sweet fish guys
  9. those are some awesome specimens there.
  10. ok,i have to admit i have never fished roaring but plan to this winter. i have searched to the best of my challenged capabilities and cannot find some good fish porn. i am looking for pics of those stompers. any pics of the state record? or any other fish over 10 lbs would be cool to see. come on guys. brag em up. i dont care if you caught it 10 years ago...lets see em
  11. awesome. thats when u know someone is obsessed
  12. You two big dudes ought to take up fly fishing for Tarpon! i know bman but i dont know what size sow bug to use for them. do i just tie on a whole pack of dubbing on a .4 hook?
  13. bman we didnt measure it when brandon caught it but we are guessing it is the same one i caught. to be honest we didnt get real good measurements on him but on the bogas in the net it weighed 16 lbs. i weighed my net by itself and it weighs exactly 1 lb so about 15 lbs-the length was around 28 inches so girth prob somewhere around 20 to 21.
  14. can you put up a pic of your replica? i was thinking about getting one done
  15. Bob. I caught that same fish in january after you caught it. i will try to post pics. i dont know who you are but im willing to bet you are pretty good size like me because i know that was a huge fish and that pic doesnt quite do justice. i measured it at 29 inches(wishful thinking) but had a 21.5 inch girth. it was huge and bright read-had a heron mark right where you are holding it and a scar in its face. jeremy hunt also caught this fish a couple years prior.look at his night fishing link
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