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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Thanks guys. I've gotta admit, I've tied lots of buggars, but never fished any of them. Guess it's because I never knew how. This is all good info. Planning on a winter trip later on, we'll post after we go.
  2. Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving, What success, if any have you had with streamers in the Current or other Missouri trout streams? Any advice for someone who's never used them?
  3. Awesome, many thanks! I'll post next week with a report!
  4. Small world Brian! We've lived here for 6 years. I like it..although I miss living in the ozarks. Our rivers aren't nearly as beautiful as the ones down south. I grew up fishing in the gasconade area. Any advice on what part of the river to camp? We really want to catch some smallies along with trout, but from what I gather, the trout are more concentrated around Greer/Turner, and smallmouths are more downriver towards riverton. Is there a good "middle-ground" part of the river that will produce?
  5. I'm sure it was a good time. Hope the weather behaved for you. We're just down the road from you, in Fulton...how long was your drive?
  6. Buddy and I are floating and fishin down there for the first time next weekend (27th). We are looking to hook into some trout and smallmouth, so we just need to know the best place to go! We're camping for 3 days, so any info on good campsites (anywhere) would be great. Are the fish into a particular type of fly/lure now? We're driving a long way, so trying to make it worthwhile! MaxDrown, how did you all do last weekend?
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