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Everything posted by Rodgers

  1. Bunky, there really is no way to guess very far in advance. Sometimes they'll go weeks with little to no generation, and othertimes they'll generate more than seems rational. The best way to go is to look at the daily generation schedule before you go, and I also always check the depth gage to make sure that matches up to what the schedule says it will be. Best of luck
  2. Hey Nathanael, have you looked into SNU's QERC biology semester in Costa Rica? I'm one of the instructors with that program. The location is fantastic. There is an amazing trout stream there, one of the few in the whole region. You cast beneath huge cloud forest trees with a mist about you. It's pretty awesome. You might want to talk to Wes Hanson about it. I'll be there mid April this spring for a course. Best, MR
  3. Forget the fish... I want a full length shot of that rod. Who made it? (And the fish does look nice ;-) )
  4. I've been out pretty regularly the last few weeks. Its slower than it was a month ago (when you could catch a fish nearly every cast) but not bad at all. Small sizes are key. Zebra midges are still working well. (Actually, I lost my last zebra a few days ago, so I can't speak to anything since then.) In general I am still getting bites with any small, bead head nymph. There seems to be a daily, afternoon hatch of very small white/gray flies (PMD's and Cahills). I caught probably a dozen good sized fish between 2pm-3:30pm today all on the surface. The fish were very aggressive. I lost all the flies I tied on a 6x tippet. 4 in a row, actually. I was getting extremely frustrated but switched to 4x and proceeded to catch the dozen. Good luck!
  5. I was out about a week ago and saw a sign that said, "if you found my reel please call ..." but as I didn't find the reel, I didn't write down the number. I should be on the river Tuesday. If the sign is still up I'll send you the number. Michael
  6. Did you check the date? If its working for you, my computer must be stuck in some kind of time warp. I've tried it in multiple browsers and it always comes up "Data processed at Wed Nov 10 12:37:55 2010 Central Standard Time" We're talking about this gage: http://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/webdata/gagedata/GORO2.current.html ? Edit: I followed the link you have above, and can see that you are correct, the gage is still working. I wonder why its not updating the link that I have always used?
  7. Did we finally lose it? Or did it just take a few days off? Its been stuck at noon Wednesday the 10th. Now I'm supposed to drive those 4 miles to check, like a sucker?
  8. Good points. Over the summer and through October, usually in the morning the CFS would bottom out in the low 40's or upper 30's, and stay there until they began generating in the early afternoon. For about a week there was a period where they kept a constant 140 CFS flow. I want to say this was early October but I'm too lazy to go check the logs right now. The fishing that week was great. Current was bubbly but not too strong to wade, and water temps were a bit lower. Does anyone have a sense for why they bumped the constant flow up at that time?
  9. Thanks for the update. I've been wondering this myself. Last Wednesday, I believe, there was a brief afternoon intermission. Since then I've checked everyday hoping I'd get some fishing in. Her answer is helpful, I guess, but I'm still at a loss for why they need to generate so much right now (given the weather).
  10. Thanks for the tips guys. I'll probably check out D & B in the near future. I also found discountflies.com, which turned out to be a good source to stock up on flies for the time being. See you on the river MR
  11. Hi all; I'll be spending the fall living near the south end of the lake, fishing regularly in the LIR. So, hello to everyone, and if anyone wants to meet up to fish some morning, let me know. Second, I'm trying to find a fly shop in the area. Is there anything? Or in the City (other than the obvious BPS)? I'm hoping to learn to tie my own flies soon, but need a place to get supplies and equipment (and advice). Thanks for any tips, Michael
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