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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Does anybody know if there will be a way to get some notes or something afterwards for those of us who cannot go? I'd sure like to be there for support, but cannot leave Tulsa due to being on call for work.
  2. Good--hope everybody concerned has. Here are some more addresses. Emails on their websites. I personally think a letter shows more concern and is read by at least somebody. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Dr Benjamin Tuggle P.O. Box 1306 Albuquerque, NM 87103-1306 USFWS is a player in this too. Who knows, maybe will help. EPA Region 6 Main Office 1445 Ross Avenue Suite 1200 Dallas, Texas 75202 Water quality below dam will be a problem. Fish kill will probably not set well. Who knows--EPA might help. Might also hurt. My dealings with EPA have not been positive. And for what is it worth, I even I wrote the POTUS. President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
  3. Do more than dream...write your state and federal representatives. Write the people who are responsible for this and voice your concern. Voice your outrage. This is not only about the trout. There's a plethora of other species in that river and many land animals that depend on that river. There's the economic loss to the region. And what about Watts? Didn't the ODWC buy a whole mile of the river with OUR legacy permit money. Now that is worthless. What a rip off!! Write all these people. The SWPA is the one with their finger on the button and deserves special attention. To kill 7 miles of river is a crime. Tom Colburn 172 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-5754 James M. Inhoff 205 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-4721 Colonel Micheal J. Teague Commander, Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 South 101st East Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74128-4609 Mr. Jon Worthington Administrator, Southwestern Power Administration One West 3rd Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-3519 Governor Mary Fallin Room 212 State Capitol Building Oklahoma City, OK 73105
  4. I bought my wife a BPS Dogwood Canyon set 5wt and was really impressed with it. Didn't want to spend a lot of money in case she did not stick with the sport. It casts very, very well and she was able to even catch some fish on it her first time out. IMHO, the diameter of a reel isn't so important as he weight balance. Do not want to be too heavy on the tip or the butt. Reels are classified by regular arbor, mid-arbor and large arbor. In general, increasing slightly in diameter with the arbor and usually weight, depending on material. Larger the arbor means less line memory. A sealed drag is worth the extra cost. I really don't think for a generic trout rod arbor size makes that much difference, except do believe casting for distance with large arbor is easier. Get one too big or too small for the rod and balance will be off. Also good to have a reel with one side that spins so can palm-drag it.
  5. You are right. But I only keep 2 or 3 fish a year, small or large. And even then only if they aren't going to recover or are hooked in gills.
  6. Fished the striper hole above Marval's Saturday morning and Saturday evening. The Bobwhite turned out to really produce. Got 20 or more stockers in the morning--missed as many--almost a strike every cast. Tried some spin fishing Sat evening in same spot hoping to get a few sandies, stripers and black bass in the mix. Caught 6 more stockers and 2 hog rainbows that were over over 6 lbs each. There's some huge fish in that hole. I kept one of the big ones for eating. It had eggs. While standing in thigh deep water watched tons of fish swim by and just about everything you could think of trout, buffaloes, channel cats, LMB, SMB, whites--the amount of fish in that river is amazing and the diversity is just so cool. On the far bank, I watched a mink catch a small fish--it just doesn't get any better.
  7. I fish the Illinois about 1X or 2X a month and tt's true--best thing to do is find somewhere else. There are a few places where one can fly fish when the gates are full blast, but is always been real slow for me then and a long hike to boot. Except...my last resort when the gates are open is to tight line drift a worm on about 1/3 oz of wieghts deep in that fast water right out of the gates and cast out almost to the other side. There must be a hole down there where they hang out to escape the current because have been able to catch 10 or 12 there--not every time--just about every other trip.
  8. Thanks very much. Saw the web site and the state park looks good.
  9. Plan on a 3 day trip to fish the trophy area soon. Where can I tent camp or stay cheaply near the dam?
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