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Everything posted by Firefish

  1. I think I will try asking on John Wilson's board. If I see them again, I'll collect a few and attempt to get a decent picture. Thanks for the input.
  2. This summer below the BSD and Norfork Dam I noticed trout that appeared to be midging. But on closer inspection of the water, I found thousands of tiny white flies drifting by on the surface. They were way too small to be a trico, and didn't look like any midge picture that I can find on the net. They had 4 wings that were almost perfectly round and lay flat on the water. These things were tiny, like a size 30 if such a size even exists, but the fish were gobling them up. On both occasions, I put on a size 24 cream dry, which was way bigger than the naturals, and did pretty well. Anyone have any idea what they are? I'm kinda new to this, but they sure didn't look like a midge to me.
  3. I've been looking without luck to find the recipe myself. I believe that fly orginated with Brett down at Chartered Waters fly shop. They aren't on his web site, but I think he has them at his shop.
  4. I fished Tuesday and caught several nice browns and rainbows, including my biggest brown to date, which was 24 inches. Only fished a couple of hours because I was going back out at daylight the next day. Wednesday was a lot slower, with only a couple of average rainbows. This is my first time to fish the brown spawn, but I guarenty I'll be back.
  5. Thanks. I'll probably skip them on Taney, but I believe I will try some on the White in the non-trophy areas. By the way Leonard, I tried some night fishing earlier this week when I was in Branson. That was some kind of fun. Did great one night and not so great the next. It was a whole different sensory experience, and it sure was a lot less crowded.
  6. Are hot glue eggs legal in the trophy area? They aren't really what would be considered a soft plastic bait, but they aren't really a hard plastic either. They have the same transluscent qualities of the real thing. You can also make egg clusters and you can get the glue sticks in a lot of different colors over the internet. I thought about trying to make some, but I didn't want to skirt the rules. Any opinions?
  7. Did pretty well today. Big fish was a beautiful 22" brown. Not as big as some I've seen on the forum, but I'll take it. Kinda windy early on, and I don't think I've ever had a day that I had to change flies so many times. I'd catch a fish or two, and then couldn't buy another bite until I made a change. Caught them on everything from scuds to red asses and everything in between.Fished from the first outlet down to big hole. It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow after the cold front. I plan on trying some night-time action tomorrow night as well. I'll be in a red dodge ram with firefighter stickers on it. Until then, I'll be chillin' at Lilleys Landing. No wife. No kids. Just lots of peace and quiet!
  8. Thanks for the info. This will be my first trip to Taney during the brown run, and also the first time I'll get to try some night fishing, so I'm really looking forward to it.
  9. Can a guy get by with 5x fluoro tippet when targeting the big boys? Or do I need to stick with 6x? I'm hoping you guys don't catch all of them by the time I get there in November.
  10. Thanks! I planned on stopping by backcountry on my way through anyway, and I'll be staying at Lilly's. I should have an ample supply by the time I get on the water.
  11. Thanks for the info. I'll be needing a place to spend a few nights, so I'll be giving you a call Phill. I'll also be hunting down some of those Pine Squirrel Sculpins I've been reading so much about.
  12. If you had to pick one week in the fall for big browns, which one would it be? I looked through the archives, and last year it looked like early November was prime time. Would that be a good bet most years, or should I move it up a little? I've fished Taney a lot in the spring and summer, but I haven't been able to make it up for the fall, so I'm looking forward to it.
  13. I fished on the Kenai 3 years ago, and was considering a trip to Kodiak or the Alagnak. I'm trying to figure out my options on going back up for some salmon and trout fishing without breaking the bank by staying in a luxury lodge. Any insight would be appreciated.
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