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Everything posted by Feltracer

  1. Good Morning All, I have several items that I need to sell. I have to many fly rods and need to clean the closet. Here are the items that I have for sale: 1) Scott A3 6wt 4 piece 9 ft rod. Virtually brand new. I have used it once. I can send photos if needed. $195 or best offer, I have a Cabelas Reel with 7 weight line I would sell for an additional 40 dollars 2) St Croix Imperial 5 wt 2 piece 9 ft rod with case. 150 used very little. Approx 10 times, I have a G Loomis Venture 5 with line that I will sell for an additonal $65 3) I have a Smith and Wesson 9mm Sigma series for sale, I have shot one box of 50 shells through it. Purchased in July. I am asking $250 for the pistol or will consider trade for a 12 gauge shotgun. You can e-mail me at s.shaw1@me.com or may text me at 573 268 0246
  2. I understand that I figured it may have been because of that. I was scared that was the case. My fear was that they were going to make other cuts and that is such a great state park.
  3. No what happened what bill did they pass?
  4. Anyone know what happened to the Trout Cam at Bennett Springs. I loved to see everyone fishing while I was stuck at work!
  5. OK you trout heads, what is working at Montauck?? Last time I was there the white jigs were killing the fish. I have heard from friends that the black Stonefly is working well on the current. I look forward to the input!!!
  6. Thanks Guys for the help, it is whistling or hissing noise. I sent Cortland a note and they stated there was a problem noise with the line. They stated that the line was very slick and not very forgiving. I had read several articles after posting and they suggested stretching the line. I think I will either go with the Cortland 444 or go to a Rio Line. I still wonder if there is a product out that can lubricate the guides. If anyone knows anything, please let me know. Scott
  7. OK I need some technical help. I recently purchased a 4 wt Orvis Clearwater II 2 piece Rod. My reel is a Okuma Helios. Anyway, here is my questions: I am fishing with Cortland 555 4 wt line and my rod is making noise. I do not think it is the rod but I am not sure it is the line either. The line is not like the shark skin lines that make noise. Does anyone have any trick to quiet the line. I am not sure if you can lube the guides or the line. The line is brand new but did not know if it needed to be treated. Any advise is taken with great appreciation!
  8. It was a great day and I can honestly say that the Trout God's were in our favor! We lucked out and had a wonderful day with big fish
  9. Thanks for the Kind words. It was a day that will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN OR RELIVED!
  10. Good Evening All, I recently fished a small area on the little piney out of Rolla, I did not have much luck but know there are trout in there are one of the guys I was with caught 3 small ones. I am looking for a good area to fish in and any maps or directions would be greatly appreciated. I will be coming from Columbia,MO. If any has some great spots to share, I am listening. Thanks Scott
  11. Thanks Dano! I was looking through Okuma parts and do not see the spare spools yet. I plan on going to a fishing supply store that carries Okuma and seeing if they change. Many thanks Scott
  12. What we failed to tell everyone is that even if we had not had the day we had catching fish, just being outside and being away from the family for a short period lets you regain your sanity!!!!
  13. Tim, Gettting ready to come to Roaring Rivers Soon to fish. The peach leach looks similar to Maribou Jigs. Where can I find them? Also what color eggs were you fishing with??
  14. I am posting the weekend conditions for Montauk. 2 Friend and I went to Montauk this Saturday. Conditions were ideal! The weather was a warm 47 degrees and a little overcast with periods of sunshine. Water was low and ultra clear. I did not take the water temp but I am sure it was in the 50 degree range as my hands did not get cold when they were wet. We were fishing in the catch and release area and I caught the fish in my photo on a white jig under a white strike indicator drifting depth was about 18". What an experience to catch something that big. I was using a St Croix 5 wt with Cortland 444 lime green line. I had just tied on a 7X tippet on because at that time I was told the fish could see me and they would spook easily. Well I am not sure that they spooked easily but when I had "Moby Trout" on the line, I thought I had a snag. My buddy was guiding me to keep the fish out from underneath the shore as it would break off my line. I struggled to keep him in the current and away from the shore. I thought my wrist or rod was going to break. I managed to keep him straight and away from the shore until help arrived with a net. Man the adrenaline was flowing and I am sure I was grinning from ear to ear. Having said all that, it was a great catch on my third cast with a new Rod! The rest of the day, I changed several flies out. I had the best luck with a red mercury midge size 16. I mostly fished the Spring Branch and had fairly good luck. Not sure exactly how many I caught but I am sure it was over 18 fish. I caught 6 on the Mercury Midge with the 7X tippet. I switched to a white Zebra midge size 18 and caught 3 more on that one. I caught several on a tan Scud but my best luck was with the White jig "AKA BENNETT JUNK" as we like to call it. However, I had great luck with it and my buddy caught 15 plus with the white jig that day.
  15. Hey Allen, Just Saw your boat and your reply to the fly line. I am looking for a great 4 or 5 wt and WFF line with it. What type of deal do you have for me and what is the warranty on the reels. Thanks Scott
  16. Funny that you have said that, I am heading down Saturday morning and my buddy said that we were going to try the big Piney first them move to the park. He was talking about eagles scooping up fish. Too funny and thanks for the info
  17. Good Evening All, I have a brand new Cabela's Prestige Plus 5 wt reel, line and spare spool that I am looking to trade for a 4wt reel. Don't know much about this one but received it as a gift. Shot me a know if you got something to trade and I am needing a 4 wt to trade or buy!
  18. Believe it or not, I do know that area. I did not realize that they had trout there. I will be heading that way soon!
  19. You are correct. I called today. They are CNR only until March 1st
  20. Oh it greatly helps. I hate to venture in areas that I do not know and have not talked to anyone about. I try to abide by the laws and glad you have given me hints on where to go. I greatly appriciate the advise and will be looking forward to hitting the streams.
  21. Ok now you have sparked my curiosity. I will be coming from Columbia, MO, where are the put in points or park areas from there that I can fish in. I have fished the Niangua and loved it. We were drift fishing with wooleys and were catching browns. If you can give me the info, I will be in your debt! Thanks
  22. Can anyone help me with some good advise? I am fairly new to fly fishing, However, I am very comfortable getting around Bennett Springs because I have fished there some this summer. I have wanted to change scenery and fish somewhere different. Anyway the point of all this is; where do I fish at Montauck? Can anyone guide me to good areas to fish and what to fish with?
  23. Good Afternoon All, I have a Cabela's Prestige Plus Reel and spare spool that I received as a gift for Christmas. The reel is set up for 5-6-7 wt line. Does anyone know who makes these reels and what quality they are? I have yet to fish with it as I have been using my G Loomis Venture 5. I was really wondering about the quaility, but reviews were really good on sights that I checked. I am looking for a reel for my 4wt Orvis Clearwater and would consider trade offers for a 4 wt reel.
  24. I have the Venture 5 as well and love the reel. I have it on a 4 wt rod and it balances perfect. No concerns and easy to put bigger trout on the reel
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