Well I'm on spring break from college so my father and I decided to drive down to maramec springs which is about an hour and a half ride for us. We just got our trout tags and the siren blew so we weren't that late getting to the stream. I bought an echo2 4wt last summer and got an lamson konic 1.5 for an early b-day present = one hell of a combo. However, I planned on using my ultralight spinning rod to catch two or three pretty quickly so at least I would have something to take home and then I could get my fly rod out and beat the water with it. My father and I started out almost straight across from the lower parking lot and he caught two right away using powerbait as usual. I couldn't get a bite to save my life but my luck picked up as the morning got warmer. I couln't even tie a knot it was so cold and our rod quides got full of ice to top it off. After I lucked out and got one above average rainbow, I got the itch to get my fly rod out so I went back to my car and geared up. I started off using a marabou streamer used throughout Alaska called a popsicle because I saw a gentleman using one at the park when I was a kid and I thought it would be fun. The only thing I caught with my fly rod was a rock bass that attacked an olive woolly bugger. The park was up about 6 inches to a foot by my standards and the water quality was terrible so much that if you were hunting deer, you could've closed your eyes, pointed your gun in a random direction in the woods and would've had a better chance of shooting a deer than catching a trout let alone seeing a fish. However, I did get the chance to see an 18" plus rainbow boil the surface under the swing bridge at the end of the park. I tried glo balls, woolly buggers, jigs, streamers, but to no avail. As I was leaving I stumbled upon a fly near the bank about 50 paces from the benches at the handicapped hole at the top of the park. Some fool was using a tarpon fly with a 1/0 hook and left it on the bank accidentally maybe???
If anyone is looking to catch some above average size trout, head to maramec with powerbait and plenty of weigh or don't go at all unless the water conditions return to normal. Lots of nice fish were on stringers by the way, just not any for us fly fishers today...maybe next time.