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Everything posted by HighPlainsFlyFisher

  1. If you really want to fish dries be sure to take some Tricos , Elk hair Caddis and some BWO patterns as well as what was mentioned above. There's always a few (or alot depending on the day) of the above mentioned bugs in the air around the Current. A size 20 BWO or a little larger EHC in black or brown is hard to beat for me. Jeff
  2. Very nice fish , catching it on top with a cicada pattern makes it even better! Did you see many fish keying in on the cicada poulation?? Hope to make it down next weekend and just wondering if I need to research cicada patterns and tie up a couple before I head out....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  3. Great pics , it's amazing how much our streams change from year to year due to flooding. Makes me want to get back down there soon and see it for myself.........Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  4. You can't beat a good day of hopper fishing and it sounds like you hit it just right! Congrats , hopefully with the water levels settling down the bite will stay hot for awhile.......Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  5. It may very well go down enough to float by this weekend but at the current levels I wouldn't want to try it. It's still up over 1000 cfs right now which is pretty high and I would assume from past experience it's pretty dirty as well. Hope this helps you make the right decision...Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  6. I havn't caught a gar yet on the fly but I'd love too. If I knew where to find some shallow fish around here I'd be up for a trip to give it a shot. I do enjoy chasing those carp on the shallow flats though , the key word here is normally chasing not catching!....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  7. I almost hate to go back for fear that I'll be dissapointed , I probably just got lucky and hit it on a good night. If the weather is decent this weekend I'm going to have to drive back out there one evening after work...I just gotta know if it was a fluke. I think the old guy that owns the place kind of enjoys seeing people catch nice fish out of his pond anyway..he just kind of got a big smile on his face when he was talking about the fishing. I guess I'll have to do what I can to make his day!!......Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  8. Had Monday off and decided to chase some carp since it turned out to be such a nice day. Had to hit probably six different bodies of water, some lakes and some streams , before actually finding any hungry fish. I ended up getting lucky and hooking into a couple fish before the day was up. The only fly I could get them interested in was a sculpin pattern I tie using olive mink and small bead chain eyes. They weren't big fish by carp standards but they made up for size in their fight for sure. A couple of spots I saw some spawning activity but most I didn't , the spawners could care less about anything except each other so I didn't even waste my time with those fish. Shouldn't be long and it ought to get better when the spawns done and the water warms up a bit more..I can't wait. A couple pics on my blog....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  9. I'm always up for chasing some roughfish , PM me sometime and we'll hook up and hit the water. Like everyone else I work too much and fish too little but if I can swing it I'm always game. Clinton Lake..Hillsdale Lake and several of the smaller city and county lakes around Olathe where I live are my usual haunts. The Wakarusa below Clinton is a good fishery for lots of fish not just carp , you definitely need to give it a shot sometime.....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  10. The chase is half the fun , right? I know what you mean , I've spent a couple days this year doing just what you did with the same success. I've often thought about trying the Missouri in town somewhere or even the Kansas River under 435 on the other side of town but never have. Theres got to be some killer carp fishing on both of those rivers if you know where to go. It's only gonna get better from here..those fish will be hungry after the spawn and that's a prime opportunity for some good numbers of fish. You can find feeding fish now but you have to do some looking no doubt , I'd try and find an area of rocky shoreline close to a spawning bank and look for fish that have finished spawning and are on the prowl. Good Luck ....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  11. This weekend found me at home here in KC instead of on a trout stream somewhere like I'd prefer but I made the most of it and did a little warm water fishing close by. Saturday evening I found myself on a pond that was just full of big gills and some decent crappie. I'm sure some of you have spots just like it but myself I've never caught so many big bluegill in my life. There wasn't a fish in the bunch that I didn't want to fillet, roll in cracker crumbs and deep fry (of course it was C&R only so I couldn't). Probably the most fun I've had on a fly rod for a good long time , if you've got a good pond nows the time to go hit it! TR and a few pics on my blog....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  12. Got out yesterday and waded the flats for carp for the first time this year. Only saw 2 fish up shallow and both of them spooked before I could even get off a cast. Only gave it about an hour and a half then the wind kicked up too much for good sight fishing. Fishing should be getting better every day if we can just get some warm weather. Has anyone else been out chasing "Golden Bones" yet this year? http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  13. Spent four days last week down on the Spring for our annual Cinco de Mayo fishing trip. The water was still high and off color which changed our floating plans but we still were able to fish every day. Although the fishing wasn't great we managed to catch a few rainbows every day and the beautiful weather coupled with camping streamside made it a great trip. I've got a full TR on my blog for anyone interested....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  14. Got out for the day on Monday and hit a couple different bodies of water looking for some whites. Tried three different spots , two outlets and a tributary river and only ended up with one white bass for my efforts. Too early??...wrong place??...bad fisherman??... all of the above , I'm not sure what my excuse is but it just didn't happen for me. Still a good day on the water checking out some different places with my buddy , I've got a report on the blog but I guess you already know the short and sweet version. Fish-1...Jeff-0 http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  15. Thanks for the comments guys , debated on whether to even post it on my blog since I try to keep it all fishing related and not my lifes story. Had several buddies that wanted to see some shark pics though so I thought what the hell. Glad you all found it interesting , I've made several fishing buddies on this site and it makes me wonder how many fellow diving enthusiasts are out there as well. Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  16. Forgot to add a link to my blog........ http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  17. I know it's not a sport but it is a hobby of mine and I didn't see any other venue it would fit in. Just got back from a trip to the Bahamas and did some diving while we were there. While in Nassau I talked the wife into doing a couple of shark dives with Stuart Coves dive shop , what an awesome experience! Being that close to so many big sharks in the feeding mode is an adrenaline rush for sure and something that my wife and I won't soon forget. I've got some pics posted on my blog (I know it's not fishing but there are pictures of fish!) for any other divers out there interested in reading about the trip and seeing a few pictures. Jeff
  18. Thanks for all the comments guys , I really created the blog just to keep a log of fishing data from my trips but have found it to be a great way to re-live past outings and share them with friends. I'm glad a few other people find it interesting as well. I checked out your link OKFlyFisher44 , nice blog...those pics from Crane made me jealous , I had a good day but I'd say you guys had a great day! Those were some real beauties for Crane! No kids and a very understanding wife who has a time consuming passion of her own (horses) definitely make it possible for me to be on the water occasionally. Still not as much as I desire though , what can I say I'm an addict...I've got a problem..if they've got a 12 step program for flyfishermen I should probably enroll. Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  19. Generation on Taney Friday prompted me to make the trip over to Crane for an afternoon of chasing little MCclouds. A beautiful day with lots of fish and bug activity made for a good choice. Caught a few small fish on drys but the majority came on nymphs , just about anything with rubber legs was the ticket. TR with a few pics on my blog.....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  20. Managed to get away last week before the weather turned on us and head South for a couple days on the water. Spent the first day on Taney and had some really great fishing as you pretty much expect from Taneycomo. Didn't have the midge action like last time , they weren't keying on them quite as much but the scud fishing up top was non-stop action. Being a weekday not many people so I had plenty of room and willing fish to play with. Full report with a couple pics on the blog....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  21. Went down to the dam on Sunday night after work , got there around 11:30pm and found 13 other vehicles to my surprise. Fished for a couple hours throwing various clousers and decievers with no success. Heard a few working out away from shore but never saw any fish up shallow , it's not far off though..could be any day. I'll be back to try again before too long. Had to get the skunk taste out of my mouth so I hit a local farm pond the next day and caught several small bass. Nothing exciting but it sure felt good to be in flip-flops standing on the edge of a pond with a fish on the line again...it's been a long winter!....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  22. I know I'm probably reaching here but I'm looking for any advice on where to get on the water for a few hours around the Biscayne Bay area in Miami. I've tried posting the same question on a couple other boards that have more saltwater content for the region but havn't gotten a single reply. Gonna be in the area the first week of April with the wife and have talked my way into getting a few hours to break out the flyrod and play. I'd love to hit the salt but if that's not feasible I'd settle for freshwater canals or the like and a chance at a peacock bass. I've found some info online obviously , just wanting to see if anyone has any firsthand experience they can share that might help me to make a good choice. Thanks.....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  23. Living less than 10 miles from Hillsdale I've actually had the opportunity to watch as they check nets in the morning and milk the fish. I've seen lots of nice fish coming out of those boxes over the years and they usually have the dates picked pretty close to when things start happening. I used to take some nice fish off the dam with spinning gear but havn't tried in several years , may have to take the flyrod down one evening and give it a whirl. If anyone close to the lake like myself is interested in trying some night flyrodding for an eye or two let me know and maybe we can hook-up......Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  24. From my experience the Niangua will fish pretty well if it's dropping and not terribly muddy but with more rain coming it's a crapshoot for sure. The Current fishes much better on higher water and I actually prefer it when it's a little high and off-color , makes for some great streamer fishing. I'd probably watch the Current and try to hit that water instead of the Niangua. As far as floating , not sure what condition the river is in but there are plenty of walk-in areas on the upper Current that don't require floating to access them. Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
  25. Those are some nice eyes. I didn't see anything like that caught last week when I was down so maybe a few more fish are starting to move up. Sounds like a pretty good day to me , may have to try and work it in my schedule to get back down soon and give it another go. One helluva fish fry waiting to happen right there...some Shore Lunch batter , a pan of hot oil and at least a twelver of a nice Wheat and you're set. Let me know what time , I'll bring the beer....Jeff http://highplainsflyfisher.blogspot.com/
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