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Patrick M

Fishing Buddy
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About Patrick M

  • Birthday 08/23/1983

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    Columbia, Mo

Patrick M's Achievements

Brown Bullhead

Brown Bullhead (12/89)



  1. I has been a blast the last 2 times I've went. I was using what they call the jimi hendrix globall. its pink, yellow, orange, and green i believe. when i used my fly rod i had a pinkish globall on. i did try a brasse this trip and it did not produce any fish.
  2. Hey everyone i went fishing again on 7-29-2014 at Bennett Springs. I did another video. The link is below. It was a beautiful day. I went with a friend that is in the Army as a Chaplin. He is shipping out to a unit in September. He recently took up fishing and had never been trout fishing. This was the second time I had taken him and his wife's little brother. the first time they were not prepared. This time they had bought waders and the right rods and reels. Needless to say this time was a much better experience. They both ended the day with limits and caught many fish. The fishing this day started in Zone 2 by the bridge and was better compared to earlier in the month. The quality of fish seemed to be better with the numbers staying the same. I was only able to catch fish on glow balls this day. I caught most near the bridge. We moved up in Zone 2 right under the dam and caught a couple fish. Afternoon brought out the grass/moss cutting boat and that ended my day. Everyone in the area was not pleased when they started this and it ended fishing for a few minutes. All in all it was a great day of fishing and the video represents just some of the fish i was able to catch. any input would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link. If you could please subscribe for future videos:
  3. I went fishing on 7/2/2014 and took my new GoPro and got some video fishing and under water footage. The day I went out it had rained the morning before so I did not have high expectations for the trip. I mainly went to test my GoPro and have some fun on my way to Rolla before the 4th. I started out after the whistle that day. I mainly caught all of my Fish on the Jimi Hendrix Glow Ball. I have been successful with this in the past so I tried it and it did not let me down. I caught about 20 to 25 fish to be on the safe side that day. at one point I was getting a strike on every cast for about 5 or 6 casts. I was off the water by 11 am. This was the second time I had been to Bennett this year and the second time in a couple years as well. I caught a could decent fish but the quality wasn't there like in years past. The numbers were up from the last few times I had been there. You can see the video here. http://youtu.be/RcdPFYf1hao I am planning on getting more footage soon. Any feedback would be Great, This year I set a goal for myself to learn film making. I hope you enjoy the video and Tight lines.
  4. I have a 2003 briggs 5 hp for that price if i get a bigger outboard, it has been a great motor for me.
  5. Are you still looking? what budget are you working with?
  6. I am going to try and make it to some of the festivities depends on if i work or not. how late does everyone plan on being there?
  7. Thanks Duck. I am looking forward to the News years day meet up this year to meet everyone. I have an Indian point mini report to put up i just need to write it and get the pictures loaded. I did some bank fishing before each cold front that came in and before this last one i got into some smallies. I just would like to find some crappie so i can start eating on that for awhile and put some in the freezer. I dont have any sort of fish finder yet and just a small engined boat.
  8. Since I am new to Indian Point and Table rock does anyone know if there is any Crappie in the Indian Point area yet this winter? also can anyone tell me a good area for them? i am in the tree house area of Indian Point.
  9. I was wondering is it hard to find live minnows this time of year?
  10. This time of year where is the best place to find crappie and best baits to catch them with?
  11. Champ I have been fishing twice this year. usually by this time ive been 10 to 20 times its been a long dry spell so im looking forward to catching a fish. all last year didnt catch a fish on lake springfield.
  12. I normally fish lake springfield so i will stay around indian point never been on the lake by myself yet so this should be fun
  13. I am moving to Indian point by the end of the month and i will hopefully have my little 5 hp with my richline 14 ft alum boat. i am going to launch at the marina at the park. how are the coves in this are on indian point for fish? also will my boat be ok during the offseason with little boat traffic?
  14. is the ez mount what you are referring to? i need something for my boat as well
  15. Here is the biggest crappie i have caught in Lake Springfield it was in July 2011. there are a lot of crappie out there i have seen them caught.
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