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About onelessthan10

  • Birthday 02/02/1978

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  • Interests
    black, stiper, white bass.

onelessthan10's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. i have never fished beaver before, and my self and family are headed out there for some fishing in mid-oct. all the reports that i have seen in the past show that stripers don't really start hitting till mid-late nov. does that ring true to every year, or is it a water temp., level, etc. that sets em off. never really done to much striper fishing, but it seems that shad is a great live bait to use, and the artificial lures seem to vary a little bit. if anyone has any tips for a begginner striper angler i could use em. thanks. enjoying all the posts thus far. great place for fisherman of any expertise to hang out.God Bless
  2. never fished beaver before. i read the recent posts to our female pro-tour friend. has anyone fished the rocky branch area specifically? or should i motor on over to a better part of the lake?
  3. just wanted to say hi. i am new to this forum, and i am excited to be able to get to use it in the future. thanks. fish on.
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