I will make the story short and sweet, I decided to tie the knot and get married this coming summer. For a stag party the groomsmen and I are looking at a 2 day float on a river somewhere for Smallies. I have done plenty of trout fishing on the upper current down to Cedar Grove but never fished past that point. A few of us are trout fisherman but we all have fished for bass. Skill levels vary greatly but we have all bass fished from ponds, to big water, to tournaments. We are looking at the end of June for this trip and are debating between the 11 point, the current below Cedar Grove, and the Big Piney. The idea of designated campground on the 11 point intrigues us as I don't care to much for the sand bar. None of us have ever been to the 11 point. Most of us currently live in Columbia, Mo and one in Springfield so it is a ways but i have heard good things about it. I am open to other wate rway suggestions. Best stretches to fish for a 2 day float, etc. I appriciate any and all responses. I am looking forward to the heat, winter finally showed up this year and it is getting old quick. Thank you.