Thanks for the link, troutcommander, read it all. The story confirms my suspicion some land owner wants to rule the fort just for the sake of it. Hopefully that warrant for the gentlemen is like you said, just for questioning. Hope that matter gets resolved. I'm a bit more informed now since missouri streams and rivers are designated navigable or not which is apparently the trump card in this case. I had always thought there was an easement but from MDC, it appears that is surely not the case at all. This story makes me re-consider going down below 54 bridge and throwing off the bank on the osage. I had considered going down there but there is no way to access below the bridge by foot without walking through private property or taking a swim from the access 1/2 mile up stream (which of course is not sensible). And now I read even being on the bank is tresspass so going down there off the bank is out of the question for me, yet I have seen 10-15 people down there snagging. We snagged that bank and pissed people off for driving through their casting range but now I dont feel so bad since they are the ones who are tresspassing and we were fully within our right to be trolling along that bank.
Another situation: just below bagnall is a bait shop that apparently owns all the land now. They charge $2 to park and fish the bank. I had thought this was illegal but after getting more informed about the banks of our streams (and rivers) that land owner is entitled to charge us to be there! Insane!
Bad rule, but on the other hand equally as petty given this situation. I am only speculating but perhaps this rule is designed to keep land owners safe from strangers lurking, hanging around or loitering ones property. I have to admit if I was a land owner and folks were down there screaming and shouting, getting drunk, etc on the bank of my property, I'd be pissed. Not saying you guys were involved in that sort of behavior but unfortunately the law has to be black and white and we as people have to use common sense on what to prosecute/report and what not to. Sounds like this land owner was just flexing his arms at you guys. Stupid.
Since most of the folks discussing this has some affiliation with trout, I imagine you all were trout fishing, no? How in the world can you trout fish our streams without wading or even anchoring!? Ridiculous! I would sign a petition for the use of banks and wading (especially anchoring) if the activity is clearly fishing. Doesnt sound fair. Trout fishing seems like deer hunting food plots. Gotta own land just to do it.
Good luck with the legislation.