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crappiedude's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Wife and I spent all last week on Stockton.. Rain and shine.. Caught over 50 Crappie > than 12 inches with largest being 15 inches.. Tight lining over one group of brushpiles using minnows mostly in the evenings when it was overcast which seemed to be all week. did get to see bob bennetts new boat after the stockness monster took the old one.. Sorry Mr. Bob.. Sorry iam getting old and forgot the location of piles..
  2. Seems the percentage of crappie caught in the lat few months are above the legal size limit is anyone concerned about the lack of smaller fish in the supply chain for future years ??
  3. Thanks for the info.. I thought they were carp but was't sure.. can you get up in there from the river to bow fish or is it restricted ??
  4. Was at Stockton last couple of days and caught afew large Crappie but when it got to hot fish we went up to the west overlook area of the spillway for look see.. Does anyone know what what species those thousnads of very humongous fish are below the darn in the spillway ?? They are very impressive and numbered in the thousands in the clear water it was quite a sight...
  5. Wife and I spent the last 4 1/2 days on beautiful Stockton lake on our annual June fishing trip.. Fished maily main lake MDC TREE BEDS..Caught our limit of 11.5 to 12 inch crappie ( a few 14 inch fish ) every day using minnows and #2 split shot tightlining over the beds and just kept moving back and forth.. Windy as the devil a couple of days but what the heck we were catching fish.. Also caught a couple of keeper walleye.. We will be back next month so save a few for us.
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