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Everything posted by Dave289us

  1. Hey Sarge, My email is davegrass@earthlink.net. I don't know if Ozark angler has a email system,I sent an emal to you but I don't know if you got it. I just want to see how you are doing further up the arm. Heard some rumors about all the way up but don't want to do that run on a rumor. Dave
  2. Wow, The water is high. Fishing in Diamond creek today and tonight. Marked some fish but no stripers. Staying at fish and fiddle. Not sure where to try next . Some word was way up the creek arms. Ideas
  3. Hi Guys, We made up our mind we are going to give it a whirl. Coming down to fish lake Norfork for Stripers and bass. Heading over a couple days to fish the White below Bull Shoals , sounds like high water but we will rent a boat and drift for some bigger fish using plugs and shiners. We have a 20 ft Tracker set up for trolling, does anyone have any pointers for trolling for stripers on Norfork. We are going to try to fish up by the dam to hopefully get clearer water. Is there any top water action for Stripers? Any ideas on places to stay, hopefully a owner who fishes. If you want to send me PM or email davegrass@earthlink.net that would be cool. Thanks in advance, I 'll bring the computer and keep you guys informed on how we are doing. Dave
  4. Thanks for the info Sarge. This forum is pretty cool for up to date info. I appreciate the replies and I am hoping it stops raining for you guys, a flooded house is a whole lot different than a bad fishing trip. I am thinking of getting a guide with all the lake changes, any suggestions? Is the lake clearing? Thanks
  5. Really, are you kidding? 400 boats on a flooded impoundment? Does that seems nuts or is it just me? Are there still floating debris or has everything settled down enough to run all out? Sounds like this might be the final straw as to us coming down and trying for stripers. That kind of boat traffic I got to believe will put the fish down. I have fished Bull Shoals before and have caught plenty of bass but we have all the bass we want at home here, was hoping for striper and trout trip. Do they prefish , how big of money, will this tourney draw the big boys with their 300 horse plus boats? Following high water up here we usually have a moderate wake rule which saves the shorline until the lake goes down. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks again I just want the boys to have a good week, I was pretty happy when they asked for a fishing trip for graduation.
  6. Hi Everyone, My friend and our 2 sons are coming down as a high school graduation gift to the boys. My son and I have fished down there for about 10 years , since he was 8. We got flooded out in 2008 but moved around and caught fish but we ended up driving about 300 miles to find clean water (War Mill for white bass, Tanyecomo for trout in the tress:-). With the gas prices that would be crazy. The other guy and his son are looking to us to put them on fish. What are you guys opinion on what you think will happen with the lake (Stripers and bass) and the river (trout). I know what the resort owners and the chamber are saying and I understand that they need to survive but I am looking to some of you guys to give me the straight story. Is it going to be worth it or should I look for plan B. I love that area and plan on retiring down there, I am orginally from Strawberry , Ar and I know they got hammered. I know this flooding is pain but the dam system does work and saves alot of homes. Any help would be great, we have not booked rooms anywhere because we still remember 2008 when we were told things were fine and the lake looked like a war zone with debris everywhere. I have a 20 foot Tracker Targa with 225 Merc so moving around the lake will not be a problem if things settle down by next Saturday. Thanks for all you help in advance. Dave Grass
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