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d. Wright

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d. Wright's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Thanks greentriton. Great forum. appreciate any help!! Hope we can get our lines straightened.
  2. Coming down this weekend with wife and grandson. can anyone let me know how the water condition is around point 9 to point 10. Is it muddy? Sho uld we try main points yet? Any top water bite or stick to the Ned? Thanks
  3. I read in the Mo. regulations that you can onlhy use 3 hooks and the A-rig has to be fished with the other two spots with a hookless item. Any one else aware of this? Any imput? Are they enforcing this?
  4. Can anyone give me some hints on what to use for K/L/SM? Can't wait to get there.
  5. Thanks for the advise. A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work!
  6. coming down 04 June. Should i leave point 9-11 and head farther to point 5-7? Please help. My wife wants to catch a big bass or catfish on limb line.
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