A friend of mine had been asking me to take her fishing for bass, she had never used a baitcaster or really used artificial lures before. After practicing with my baitcaster set up for an hour or so she was ready (she did really well actually) I put on a Zoom Lizard and she asked how to work it. I proceeded to cast it out, and said here you start out at 10 o'clock bring it to 11, then bring it to 12 then I handed her the rod, line still out in the water. She worked it from 10 to11 to 12 a couple of times and no sooner then she said "I don't know if I am doing this right" BAM! She was setting the hook! She was screaming with excitement as she reeled this HAWG in !! After I lipped it she put down the rod and was literally shaking with adrenaline excitement. Her very first big bass, using a baitcaster and artificial lure for the very first time. We took weight, length and girth measurments and plenty of pictures so she can frame a picture of her holding it next to the replica she will be having made. With a little talking to her she decided it was best to release Big Bertha back to her watery home. 22 1/2" long 171/2" girth 8 lbs 13 oz.