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About JGarland

  • Birthday 05/03/1970

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  • Location
    South St Louis

JGarland's Achievements

Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Welcome to the board, new to the board and the area myself.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions all, much appreciated
  3. Well scratch the website I put up, they have a site but both phone numbers have been disconnected.
  4. Has anyone on here had a replica fish mount made? If so I am looking for a reputable place to get a replica trophy bass. I would like to stay local and keep the money within the state if possible, if not thats ok too, but it is my first choice. I found this place online in Bolivar, MO anyone have any dealings with them? http://4greatfish.com/gf/index768.shtml Thanks in advance.
  5. @Smalliebigs- Thanks, the thing is I am always jonesing. I would fish every day if I could. It was nice to ease the fever though for a bit. @stlfisher- Thanks, keep at it with your GF cause if she likes it you get to go more! HA!
  6. You know I actually did not regret handing her that rod after I casted it out at all. It was pretty special seeing her catch it and the excitement and seeing her have the shakes afterwards. She is hooked on fishing this way now and is ready to go again, really eager to learn. The best part of it is is that I look like some kind of a pro in her eyes I would like to get her out when there is a good topwater bite. We were fishing about a 5 acre private lake in Franklin county. The thing is, that wasn't the only nice one, she caught another one about 45 minutes after that hawg that went 5 1/2 pounds and I caught two that were in the 4 to 5 pound range. Was using a 6" zoom in chameleon, I have always had good luck in the spring on lizards.
  7. I am no longer having the problem with the drop down menu, functioning fine now. Installed Windows 7 service pack one and it has worked fine since then, not sure if that was the fix or if the admin did something.
  8. A friend of mine had been asking me to take her fishing for bass, she had never used a baitcaster or really used artificial lures before. After practicing with my baitcaster set up for an hour or so she was ready (she did really well actually) I put on a Zoom Lizard and she asked how to work it. I proceeded to cast it out, and said here you start out at 10 o'clock bring it to 11, then bring it to 12 then I handed her the rod, line still out in the water. She worked it from 10 to11 to 12 a couple of times and no sooner then she said "I don't know if I am doing this right" BAM! She was setting the hook! She was screaming with excitement as she reeled this HAWG in !! After I lipped it she put down the rod and was literally shaking with adrenaline excitement. Her very first big bass, using a baitcaster and artificial lure for the very first time. We took weight, length and girth measurments and plenty of pictures so she can frame a picture of her holding it next to the replica she will be having made. With a little talking to her she decided it was best to release Big Bertha back to her watery home. 22 1/2" long 171/2" girth 8 lbs 13 oz.
  9. Since upgrading to Internet Explorer 9 the drop down in the upper right hand corner is no longer functioning properly. When clicked it goes straight to my profile, it drops down for a second and goes straight to my profile. I cannot access "my messages" or anything else on the drop down list. It worked prior to the IE9 upgrade. Just a heads up.
  10. Well with the river being up now, my plans are cancelled
  11. What kind of info? Will I need a scale? Is this a trip I can make alone? Will I be able to lug the canoe and gear alone if I need to?
  12. Anyone have any big fishing plans this coming weekend? I think I am going to canoe St Francis from Gruner Ford to Sinet, kind of nervous about it as I am not sure what is in store for me. Givin the information Al gave me it sounds like I should make it alright. Barring we don't get a bunch of rain and the river gets way up I think I am going to give it a try.
  13. Boats/Vessels that are NOT required to be titled or registered in the state of Missouri if they are: Owned by out-of-state residents and housed, stored, or operated in the state of Missouri for less than 60 consecutive days; Owned by the United States Government; From a country other than the United States using the waters of this state for less than 60 consecutive days; Propelled solely by paddle or oars (regardless of length); Sailboats or sailboards less than 12 feet in length; or A ship's lifeboat used solely for lifesaving purposes. It is my understanding if you put a trolling motor on ANY boat, you have to get the numbers and decal on the side of the boat. I know it is the same way in Indiana and it is the same way here. Taken from http://dor.mo.gov/motorv/watercraft/
  14. JGarland


    Worst tornado to hit in Missouri history they say. Hope anyone from the forum that lives there or in the surrounding area is ok.
  15. Thanks rps, will definately check those out as well.
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