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Jason S

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Everything posted by Jason S

  1. Fished Friday afternoon and Saturday until 3. Super slow. Friday I had a couple hookups but actually didn’t land anything. I was pretty bummed. Saturday morning was also slow for me and my buddy but not for the fish. We started in the pool below the island at the second lot and the fish were hammering the top. There was a HUGE midge hatch going on. They were everywhere but nothing bigger than #22's. After 11 the hatch died off and I started catching bows on #18 black zebra midges. Quit at 3 with 11 to hand. All around 12" and nothing bigger than 14". My buddy had 3 Saturday. Not the best day ever but not terrible either. Jason
  2. Headed up Friday evening and going to fish all day Saturday. Anyone else going to be there? Any rec's on what to bring? I hear small black zebra's?? What else? Jason
  3. Well I'm back from what was a log tough soggy wet weekend at the LMF. For raining all day every day and night I actually did ok. 16 Fri. 19 Sat. and 4 for 2 hours Sunday morning. I have to say, I took 6 dgames midges with me and came back with ZERO! Lost 2 in snags and 4 on fish! Thet really worked well for me! I hooked up with 2 24"+ fish with it! They are now officially a part of my box. From now on, I won't leave home without a row of them! Thanks for a great pattern! -Jason
  4. Phlamin PT is a pretty simple variation of the normal PT. Basically it is tied on a 2457 type scud hook vs. a normal nymph hook, and you use a red glass or metal bead vs. the traditional copper or gold. I am not sure how old it is, but I sure hadn't heard of it until this season from that buddy of mine raving about it. Below is a great article about it. Apparently it is a great winter pattern and a good exploratory pattern. I guess the little bit of red serves very well as an attention getter similar to the red collar on the Rainbow Warrior. I need to tie some more PT's anyway for my trip to the LMF so I am definitely goin to tie some up to try. Here's the article: http://www.flyfishingfrenzy.com/2011/05/19/phlamin-pheasant/ I'll let you know how it does down there in a couple weeks. Jason
  5. Got it! Thanks DaddyO! I figured plain ol' flash would work as well. Going to the LMF in two weeks so I will be sure to have a half dozen with me to try. Also going to take a bunch of Rainbow Warriors and Phlamin Pheasant Tails FYI. My buddy has been fishing the LIR quite a bit the past month and the Rainbow Warrior has worked very well for him.
  6. Awesome thanks! Were is the easiest place to get Olive Midge Flash? And what is the most common size/sizes to tie?
  7. Hey DaddyO, can you post a pic/instructions of your yellow midge with olive flash? Thanks! Jason
  8. Well, we're goin. Plan is to be up at the lower parking lot around 10:30. Should be a in a grey or green Hyundai. If you see us, just holler at us. -Jason
  9. Dang DaddyO! One of these days we ARE going to meet up. Just have to wait for the stars to align apperently. I seem to always have better luck when its overcast as well so I am hoping for that, but I also hope for a nice big gap of time with no water fallin from above. Fingers crossed. -Jason
  10. Well, now it looks like it might hold off until late Saturday so I think I will head up? What is everyone thinking about flies? Try the same old stuff? HE, scuds, midges? -Jason
  11. I'm thinking about going this weekend. As long as they keep a nice low water gap during the day like they have been, and the radar doesn't look TOO colorful, I think I might try to get over there this Saturday. What do you guys think? Worth it? Is the rain going to totally screw things up? Thanks, Jason
  12. No stupid questions. The lower parking lot is what I call the second parking lot down from the dam. Another way to look at it is its the first parking lot you come to when you turn to go to the dam. Since there are only two parking lots on that road, I call them upper and lower. If you have any other questions, just ask and have fun! -Jason
  13. Well, this weekend was different than others for me. I took my dad and it was one of his first times to fly fish. He did great and caught several nice fish! We were on the water by 10ish and the weather was nice but very windy! There were fish feeding everywhere and I got really excited! To my surprise it took what I thought was way too long to hook up. I tried the same scuds that killed it for me a few weeks ago... nothin. Moved to PT and HE nothing. Finally went to #20 zebra midges and boom strikes and fish for an hour or two then it kind of just stopped. Again back to rotating through different patterns with very slow successes. Started the day at the lower lot, went up and tried the upper, and ended back at the lower lot. Saturday we didn't get to start until 1030ish due to generation. We started back at the lower lot and the weather was beautiful, but the bite wasn't. Tried everything in my box and couldn't get strikes. Could see fish everywhere, but couldn't fool them. I caught two at the lower lot before we mover to Watts. Went downstream and I found a couple of nice fish and a third VERY nice fish that I fought for almost 10 mins! Right as I went to put the net in the water, the hook popped out!! I was os mad!! Overall we had a lot of fun, but it was just not near as action packed as the last couple times I;ve been over. I'm stumped. I have no idea why I couldn't get them in big numbers. We were both using 5x tippit. Anyone have any ideas? I still love that place! Here are some pics. BTW got a new camera that I am absolutely in love with! Fuji X10. PM me if you want more info of an awesome do-it-all camera that fits in your waders pocket perfect! I know this is a lot of pics. Don't hate me I was the brave one to cross first.  AKA the first one to be fishing
  14. Well sorry it took so long to get this written up. It has been one weekend of fishing after another and then a week in Miami (FL) for work. No time to post. So this trip came together pretty last minute. For my buddy Josh and I to get out on a trip it seems like everything in the universe has to come into alignment. By this I mean, our wives have to grant us precious "get out of tha house points" for inexplicable reasons… that we don't question. We knew we could leave OKC at 11am on Friday and had to be back by 3:30pm on Saturday, so we did just that. We arrived at the dam at 1:45pm and were wading by 2. Excited to say the least, we knew we should have until at least 5pm before the horn so we hit it pretty hard and fast. It started kind of slow for us. From 2 to 3pm we tried several spots and different flies with nothing. Not a bump or a strike. All of a sudden like a light switch we started seeing raises all around this hole near us! Without hesitation Josh clipped his nymph rig and tied on a #18 Adams. I was thinking I'll let him test the water and follow if need be. Well turns out I had a dry on within 10 minutes. He was working this great little run with a ton of success. After catching three on the tiny Adams, we realized they were feeding on emurgers so we both switched to some an emurger pattern. A few more fish came to hand and then it seemed to slow down. I decided to try some scuds I had tied seeing as there was sooooo much vegetation in the water upstream from where we were. That was THE fly! From here on out it was almost every other cast fishing until around 5pm! Such a blast! We both managed to pull out a healthy 15 or 16" fish. When 5pm rolled around I was just waiting for the horn any minute, but we ended up getting to fish for another half hour before they blew the horn. Stayed for 20 more and it was dark. Couldn't have asked for a better 3.5 hours of fishing. We ate at Jimbo's and made camp down at Gore Landing. Boy was it cold. I was excited to break in my new tent and bag and it turns out that was almost too perfect a night. Got down to 24 degrees Friday night. To my surprise I woke up warm and toasty to the sound of the horn at 6am. Awesome. We knew we would have to wait until at least 10:30am before any chance of dropping water so we went back to Jimbo's for breakfast. We were trying to figure out what to do for the next 2 hours after breakfast and it hit me. We should break out the vises and tie! The folks at Jimbo's were kind enough to let us and they even kept our coffee cups filled the whole time! We decided we would head out about 10am and got to the second parking lot around 10:15am only to find a roaring river. We geared up anyway and played the waiting game. Talked to some other guys for a while and finally they shut her down and we made our way upstream from the point of the island. By this time, we only had 2 hours before we had to head for the barn, so we stayed close. Only having 2 hours turned out to be no problem at all. I started fishing the gravel bar just up and to the right of the island. Stared with the same scud rig from the day before and brought 6 fish to hand fairly quickly. Decided to try some olive Hare's Ears I had tied and they loved it. I was getting sick of the indicator so I had a crazy idea to take it off and see what happened. I have to say that was the most fun fishing I have had in a long time. I just kept a steady eye on the point where my fly line met the leader and used it as the indicator. What a blast. I caught around 15 fish in that hour and a half to two hours and hookup with and missed just as many! We packed up and headed home. For the short time we had one the water, we had a blast! What I haven't mentioned yet is Josh and I, a few months ago, decided we were going to build our own fly rods. Well thats a whole other loooooong post but long story short we did it, and were successful. We built the same rod, a 6'6" 2wt. This is the only rod either of us used that whole trip and I have been on two more trips since and never took another rod out of its case. I love this thing as does Josh and we are starting to order for our next build. 8'6" 3/4wt's Here are some pics. I didn't have too many of fish because I couldn't get myself to stop long enough to take them. Thanks to everyone who gave advise prior to the trip! -Jason Hope Josh will post some of his pics! He got some nice ones! The big fish. Tying at Jimbo's. Needless to say we have several people come ask what tha heck we were doing Putting a nice bend in the 2wt!
  15. We used some para Adams in 18 and some small midge emergers in 18 as well. Smaller would have helped. We only used them for 3 fish a piece and that took about 15 or 20 minutes. Then we switched to scuds. That was the big tickt item. Strikes on almost every cast. Missed almost as many as I brought to hand. That's what I get for tying with cheap hooks. Or at least that what I tell myself That was all last night. All write a big post later about the whole trip. -Jason
  16. Comin to ya live from the tent! Man today was a blast! We got here about 1:40pm and were on the water by 2. Slow for the first 30 mins to and hour then things started happening! We got a hatch and not a little one either! They were rising everywhere. We switched to drys and grabbed 3 a piece. Awesome! They never really stopped but we switched to midges and and wore them out. Stopped counting after 15 in an hour or so. If these pics don't work I'll fix them tomorrow/post more. http://db.tt/jwNSfN54 http://db.tt/1KtAJ9b5 http://db.tt/NfddyNgp Thanks for all the advise! -Jason
  17. Thanks Esteban! I have plenty of zebra's tied up ready to hook'um! Sounds great daddyO. I have a dozen of those jigs tied up in olive with a marabou tail. We use these a ton down on the LMF with huge sucsuss. I'll try to get some tied up in pink and white as well. We'll be in a grey Hyundai Tucson. I'll be in a green jacket wearing green and grey waders. Just holler at us if you see me and we'll do the same. Weather looks great too! -Jason
  18. Thanks DaddyO. We are going to be getting there about 2 on Friday and leaving at 1:30 on Saturday. Looks like they have been holding off generating until 5 or later so I"m hoping we'll be good on Friday and Saturday looks like we might get a couple hours mid morning. Being such a short trip, I'm still going to try to find a way to have a line in the water when they are running Any hot patterns up there right now? I read olive Woolly's, black and red Zebra Midges. Anything else I should have tied up? Thanks! -Jason
  19. Thanks BFTMASTER! So it is still fishable even if they are running? How many total units do they have? -Jason
  20. Hey guys, planning on going to the lir this weekend. The most recent posts sound encouraging. Does anyone have any feel for what generation has been like lately? Is it possible to fish while they are generating 1 or 2 units? Thanks a ton, Jason
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