Very helpful, thanks.
We will have a fairly large group, around 20, with a mix of fishing enthusiasm/skill. Several of us will want to fish quite a bit, many/most will just be enjoying the scenery. We've done Upper Jacks (30+ miles) and Upper Buffalo the last two years and our experience has been that first day we are pretty slow; more fishing and general goofing off and second day we make much better time; that's why we figured we would do less than half the first day. We also probably won't get on the river until later on the first day. It is also my understanding that the jet boats get thicker the lower you go, so figured if we were going to take our time, higher is better.
It would be nice to be able to stop and refresh the coolers and grab gear at Greer and then float a couple miles in the trophy trout area and camp somewhere we could continue to hit the bows that afternoon/evening.
It sounds like the float camp above Turner and just past Hurricane Creek might be ideal. Are there any other good gravel bars before that? Thank you all for your help.