I figured we could go ahead and open this up for the second summer in a row. So who all is really interested in getting some new bad boy flies for this falls Brown Run? I know I am and figured we could make this years Bigger, Badder, and Meaner than last years swap.
I'm flexible as to a deadline but was thinking something like late September to give everyone time to knock out their flies or join the swap if they don't know if they would be able to make it in time.
I'd like to extend an automatic invite for those who participated in last years swap if they want in and would be game at capping it at 15 tyers. Meaning each person ties 14 flies and gets 14 back. That is a lot of flies, but there is also a lot of time, and you'll be getting 14 awesome streamers back. I'll keep a running tally here on the first page and will get it going.
I'm planning on tying a black and chart. Double Deciever, but this is subject to change, but, that is what I have planned.
I would also be game for including something else in the swap like everyone sends in a sticker (I know we fly guys just LOVE stickers), a cool coozie or something else. Let me know what you guys think.
Here is a link to last years if you want to see how it turned out. There are some pictures in one of the later pages:
Lets get it going boys!
1. Lancer09 - Done
2. RFD - Recieved
3. Mike - Received
4. Dylan - Received
5. The Wise One
6. Jason - received
7. Troutdoorsman - received 8. Cold Water
9. Geoff - Received
10. Trigg - Received
11. Ruthead - received