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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. I made it over to back country, bought 100 some odd hooks. Tied a boogie man and ran out of wool, and two sex dungeons and ran out of eyes. This is getting a bit ridiculous. On the note of Schmidt'svpatters, any plans to do a video for the mufasa, that thing is real fishy looking, and doesn't look hard.
  2. you. are. the. man. If Only I fished enough to warrant tying as many of these flies as I have.
  3. I like that, Take a look at the voodoo leech, similar but has a fuller profile. how do you like that 200r hook? hold up for you?
  4. OK, seriously, crane is not a secret. just a few years back, ESPN had it listed in like the top 100 trout streams in the country. It's not a secret. If someone sees the pictures or videos and wants to hit it up, more power to them. More than LIkely, they'll leave, without having caught that fish. They will come back to try again, and get connected with the place like so many of us have, in turn hopefully picking up a bit of the trash, and cleaning this little gem up. The fish that the creek puts out is remarkable for what it is, and I think anyone trying to keep it a secret is being selfish. The place is so well known across the state, and it's still as nice as it is. I dont think it's going to change much if someone see's these pictures or video and decides that they want to fish the area. If we want to keep the place a secret have Phil pull this page off the board, remove blue ribbon status so it's not listed any where, and pretty much NEVER talk about the creek again... then maybe no one will know about it in a few years. Also, I have spoken with andrew about trying to catch this fish, and he shared some ideas that he and pruett had, and I as well think that fish is going to be very hard to catch, but that's part of the allure of the whole thing.
  5. On the bright side i dont think either, the 8089 or the B10s have a very large barb on them, but that still had to hurt. I've had to use the loop and pull method.. it works.
  6. I did in fact lose a fly, the slump buster. I could see it snagged on a rock but didn't want to blow any and all water around it.. just broke it off, went to look for another... and it was the only one I had on me.
  7. 4:00: Get off Work 4:30: leave apartment with gear in tow 4:57: smell, before seeing dead skunk on side of the road 5:10: Pull into city park parking lot 5:12: nearly fall trying to put waders on 5:13: accomplish putting on waders 5:15: see someone walking up from the creek having just finished fishing the whole park section, great now all the water is busted... Really don't want drive down to lower wire, i'll just fish it. 5:19: have a beaver scare the dung out of me when it popped out of the brush right in front of me 5:20: first cast, no fish 5:23: First fly change (I saw a few rises but nothing hatching) tried a dry 5:30: drop fly rod into the water trying to untangle fly from a tree 5:40: catch second ever mccloud rainbow on a swung softhackle 5:45: continue fishing 6:00 switch to a small slump buster 6:10: miss monster bite in the deep, slack water hole there in the park 6:11: catch a large, i.e. 14 inch... sucker... kinda pretty fish though, dark olive back with a bright red/pink belly 6:15: walk the park and not see much going on. 6:30: call it a night and decide that i didn't catch more because the water had already been fished.
  8. Looks pretty reminiscent of the Heifer Groomer, but I could be wrong.
  9. Fished the creek on saturday, lower wire. Didn't see many fish but the ones I did see were rising to a small hatch of 16-18 dark/black mayflies and caddis. Had a few takes but got antsy on the set, and missed them, Also missed one hook set on a hares ear. After that caught one little chub/minnow thing, and saved the day with what I believe was actually a smallmouth out of a rootball. I was surprised to say the least. Good Luck and happy fishing to you all.
  10. You can use the same hook. I often do. But part of the idea of an articulated fly is that it gets a lot of wiggle. A smaller hook holds less material and moves on the back more than the front hook.
  11. These are seriously Fantastic. I LOVE tying and fishing galloups stuff. I saw somewehre earlier your planning on doing the barely legal, IS that still the case. I have been working on tying that fly but can't quite get it right and want to know what I"m doing wrong as I can't find a SBS anywhere.
  12. I can attest to the sheer size of this fish, it was just massive, and we couldln't even get it's head to fit it's head in a net. When he got it close enough I was able to scoop this fish up and it absolutely required a full hug to hold it. Beautiful fish and an absolute monster, congrats andy.
  13. Lancer09


    I fished the river just down from the dam last night and found the green sunfish and pumpkinseed boutiful. Unfortunately i didn't catch any bass and the water was really, really warm. I moved up and right after the first little riffle area where it is really shallow there was a family snagging there which I thought I was illegal. I saw numerous spoonbill and they were purposefully trying to snag them but they always got broken off and never actually caught a single fish, although they somehow broke "30 lb test" like six times. I was reading the regs and the limit says 2 spoonbill b/w march 15 and APR 30. For non game fish snagging/grabbing is march 15-May15, and Sept 15-Jan31 on streams and impounded waters. It is allowed all year in "temporary overflow of a river or ditch. From this I believe this entire family, and some others that were snagging around were completely illegal. If they were in season that wasn't for spoonbill, though "targeting" them they coudl say they were an accidental catch and just release them, Same with game fish and just say they were tryign to snag gar or carp or something. I have got the MDC # saved in my phone now, Should I give them a call if I see this again. All said adn done there had to be 15 people all snagging in 1/4 mile of river.
  14. That is a good crappie, Quite a few years ago, when I was 3 I caught a 21.5 incher but was pretty skinny, She only went about three pounds but was long as could be. Had it mounted, and subsequently got stolen, but someday I might have a replica made. I have also seen some big ones come out of table rock.
  15. Hi guys, new here. First post. I have been fishing crane, and actually work with andrew234 and he seems to have the trout here dialed in. Me on the other hand typically fish warm water and am really having some problems with the trout on crane. I went last night and couldn't figure them out. I fished the park section and had a few hits from good trout on a hopper below the bridge but they were just rolling over the top and not getting the thing. I tried Green psycho princes as well as orange ones. DH and hentry's fork hopppers.pheasant tails and chartreuse copper johns, yellow eggs and adams. I saw a pair of good ones and couldn't get them to bite a small circus peanut. A few of teh smaler trout were literally jumping out fo the water after something but i couldn't see a hatch coming off. In four trips down there I have caught one trout. Last night I caught a decent sucker on the egg, and a small chub or something on the adams. I have been fishing 12's through 16's on my flies, mostly twelves. They were seriously spooky as well. I was belly crawling to the edge to fish and they still spooked. I was getting a lot of swipes or swim up and takes but nothign. I was using 4 lb moss green mono as tippit, Should i switch to 2?. Also around the bend in the creek the trout were holding in the near side with little to no current but a drift wasn't possible there. What do you guys do that works so well for you. I don't want your secrets, just some guidance.
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