OK, seriously, crane is not a secret. just a few years back, ESPN had it listed in like the top 100 trout streams in the country. It's not a secret. If someone sees the pictures or videos and wants to hit it up, more power to them. More than LIkely, they'll leave, without having caught that fish. They will come back to try again, and get connected with the place like so many of us have, in turn hopefully picking up a bit of the trash, and cleaning this little gem up.
The fish that the creek puts out is remarkable for what it is, and I think anyone trying to keep it a secret is being selfish. The place is so well known across the state, and it's still as nice as it is. I dont think it's going to change much if someone see's these pictures or video and decides that they want to fish the area.
If we want to keep the place a secret have Phil pull this page off the board, remove blue ribbon status so it's not listed any where, and pretty much NEVER talk about the creek again... then maybe no one will know about it in a few years.
Also, I have spoken with andrew about trying to catch this fish, and he shared some ideas that he and pruett had, and I as well think that fish is going to be very hard to catch, but that's part of the allure of the whole thing.