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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. Ok, now that is just sick. But it is entirely too clean.
  2. Your in. Now they are starting to trickle in.
  3. Great Looking Fly! I would assume so, and it looks like it but does that baby get a lot skinnier when it actually hits the water? Does it actually sink whenever it lands or do you have to fish it with a monster sink tip?
  4. oh... Don't act like you weren't planning it all along
  5. Bumps. Come on in and sign up. You have no reason not too.
  6. Well I'm sticking with my Double Deceiver theme, but changing the colors up a little bit. Going to go in the direction of tan and rootbeer over yellow. Keep spreading the word, lets get this filled up. I'm not going to list a hard and fast deadline yet, I don't see the point, just know it will be later September, Unless you guys want them substantially earlier or later.
  7. Oooh baby that's pretty
  8. Fished a bunch of them this weekend. Mike's Articulated sculpin scored big fish of the day, but Sean's fire tiger deceiver would have if some fish would have committed to it. I did see two smallies follow all the way back to the kayak and the bigger of the two had to be pushing twenty inches, with some big 'ol shoulders.
  9. Let us know when it's about to drop!
  10. I figured we could go ahead and open this up for the second summer in a row. So who all is really interested in getting some new bad boy flies for this falls Brown Run? I know I am and figured we could make this years Bigger, Badder, and Meaner than last years swap. I'm flexible as to a deadline but was thinking something like late September to give everyone time to knock out their flies or join the swap if they don't know if they would be able to make it in time. I'd like to extend an automatic invite for those who participated in last years swap if they want in and would be game at capping it at 15 tyers. Meaning each person ties 14 flies and gets 14 back. That is a lot of flies, but there is also a lot of time, and you'll be getting 14 awesome streamers back. I'll keep a running tally here on the first page and will get it going. I'm planning on tying a black and chart. Double Deciever, but this is subject to change, but, that is what I have planned. I would also be game for including something else in the swap like everyone sends in a sticker (I know we fly guys just LOVE stickers), a cool coozie or something else. Let me know what you guys think. Here is a link to last years if you want to see how it turned out. There are some pictures in one of the later pages: Lets get it going boys! 1. Lancer09 - Done 2. RFD - Recieved 3. Mike - Received 4. Dylan - Received 5. The Wise One 6. Jason - received 7. Troutdoorsman - received 8. Cold Water 9. Geoff - Received 10. Trigg - Received 11. Ruthead - received 12. 13. 14. 15.
  11. I like that. I keep looking for a place to "subscribe" to have it sent to my e-mail directly but can't find it for the life of me.. Help me? The tying video was pretty cool and seemed to be a knockoff of one of our own, the one and only Wise! Ya know, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery right? I may order me a sticker and coozie. I dig 'em.
  12. Most definitely Ruthead. I'll probably open the brown trout streamer swap sometime next week.. #2. Bigger, badder, Meaner. I'll let everyone get wrapped up with family stuff on the fourth before committing to a swap again.
  13. Just a couple more ideas to see.if any body hets on board. An articulated swap. Or your master fly swap. You tie what you tie best. For some that may be a Catskill style dry or a big nasty streamer. Just some food for thought.
  14. Lancer09

    Rip Rfc

    Man that's a real bummer. Just about every time I'd be Dow.there he would too and would stop for a chat. I know he put me on a pretty good hatch one time as well.
  15. Jim and everyone out there are a class act. The guys are genuine and passionate about what they do. Through work I have worked with them a little bit and it was nothing but a pleasure. Get put there sometime if you haven't been yet. This is one of those actually really good stores that I think should make it, if not thrive.
  16. Seems tp be not much interest. I think we should definitely do the brown trout streamer swap again this year though.
  17. Hey all, just seeing if anyone has any interest in another swap. I'll go ahead and host, I was thinking something like a hopper swap or even a baitfish swap, OR go ahead and start the swap for the next fall Brown trout swap. We can even set up both with different due dates for each. Let's hear some thoughts.
  18. They aren't too hard once you get the hang of them. I've always spun them in thread in a loop, but people who mess wwith them a lot make them separate from the fly, before tying it down and wrapping it on. The key to them at least for me is having all the real long craft fur hairs out and the shorter more even stuff only in the loop. When you wrap it forward you have to brush everything back with each wrap. They just take some time getting used to. Combing them back helps after you have finished wrapping them as well. I can try and take some pictures sometime and put them up.
  19. Anything with a faster action will throw those bigger bugs and sink tips. Any reason for going with a 6 over an 8?
  20. Granatos stuff is solid for sure! He just seems to put so much on a hook. I've never fished it much but I do like his craft fur heads big time.
  21. Another great fly, and possibly the justification I needed to just suck it up and buy some jig hooks. Who's the next tyer? Myself? Ah, I'd be flattered.
  22. It did get a but old, but I still wasn't able to pack them as tight as who did the red and white popper, that thing is solid. I did fish them and caught a good laregmouth on FS's popper last night, and lost one on Mic's pb&j. I also lost a small bass and had a hit on the small craw fly but lost it a few casts later. I k.ew these flies would work.
  23. The flies made it!!!! I'm sure mine got lost along the way, and the metal tin I sent them in is beat to all hell. OB thanks for hosting and sorry for being such a bitchy little girl. Great work everyone. Inspection Update: I was impressed when I looked at these in the car, but now that I get to take them out these flies are awesome. I've been in quite a few swaps on some national forums, but the ones I have been a part of here, especially this one are top notch. All of the flies are tied well, and are just flat out going to catch fish. I'll be at TR this weekend and will definitely be fishing these. Ness, about yours, when fishing it do we actually tie to the line you have tied on there, or remove that and thread the popper head like a tube so if we get broken off we still get the head back?
  24. I'm sure they will show up sometime. It's not like I fish enough anyway.
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