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Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Thanks! We are planning on making a trip after turkey hunting tomorrow. Just wanted to what they like so it wasn't a wasted trip! You throwing the swimmers on a jig heads? What size? Sorry for all the questions - I'm a newbie.
  2. Are they still hitting white?
  3. Went to Roaring River for the first time in years. This time, with the girlfriend in tow. We have been talking about going for over a year and since she doesn't have waders, RR is where we went. We got there just after the horn and by the time we were ready to fish there were several people already leaving with a limit (probably 20 minutes). One guy who was leaving was using a woolly spinner, so that is what I started with - no results. I switched to orange/white worms, john deer worms, white spinner, black spinner, black/white spinner, etc - no results. For about 3 hours, we saw plenty of people catching fish - just not us. So we decided to hit the shop and see if we could change our luck with something new. I bought a few woolly spinners (with both gold and silver blade). Also bought a black/green trout magnet. I had never used a trout magnet, but heard good things about them. I decided on black/green for one reason, there was only package left. I figured if it was the only one left, someone must like them. Lets hope the trout did. We were back fishing around 10:00. The next 2 hours went so much better than the first 3 hours. We caught our 8 fish, and had a good time. We were throwing the smaller ones back, keeping the bigger ones. Ended up with just over 8 pounds of fish - all on the black/green trout magnet. I noticed there weren't many reviews on what was working, so I thought I would post to give an update. There were plenty of people catching fish on other things but nothing else was working for us. ENJOY!
  4. Has anyone been out near Linden? Was curious how the fishing was. That about throwing some topwater flies one evening this week. Any ideas?
  5. Has anyone put in off of Hwy 65 lately? Was curious on the fishing report. Planning on going one evening this week and throwing some topwater with the spin rod, or maybe the fly rob. Any suggestions? Is it even worth the effort?
  6. where are you guys going to catch the large bait? Are you using a throw net?
  7. I went a few weeks ago. We left after a not seeing/hearing any for an hour. Probably wont go back to chase frogs there.
  8. Last year I hit the Finley (above the dam at Linden) nearly every weekend. Fishing was great. It didn't matter what time of year, sometimes even the time of day, I would get top water action. With the water the way it is, fishing is TOUGH! I have a canoe with a trolling motor that we use. (1) Can you guys tell me if it is worth the effort to put in on the James at Hwy 65? Where to go/use? Also, the girlfriend wants to catfish, but I don't know where to go. I didn't know that cats where an option here. (2) Can you cat guys help me out and give me a little direction on where to go, what to use, what time to go? I live in Spfd but I'm really unfamiliar with the James and Spfd Lake. Thanks for your help.
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