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winter's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. winter


    Thanks Sarge, that helps, think it would be ok to tye up to one of those center consles?
  2. New to area and stripers getting new boat this fall and have some experince with walleys from northern Michigan and some equipment, planer boards,line counters etc. Plan to fish with artificals but know bait can be important. Will be fishing fall thru spring mostly. What size shiners work best to troll off boards? How do I rig boards, to release and slide or reel in and remove? Free line bait or weight? Rigged with 30lb Power Pro use florocarbon leader what weights? Norfolk Lake my water lower lake in fall summer and upper in winter spring generally? Thanks for any info!!!
  3. winter


    New to forum and area and need some help learning. I am mostly a trout fisherman but looking to try some striper fishing fall thru spring. Got a boat coming and have some experince with walleyes from Michigan but little knowledge of stripers. Don't want your hot spots just some answers to questions. I have planer boards I used on walleyes, do you rig them to slide down on take or use like for walleyes and reel them in and remove?? I understand live shad best bait but hard to keep & get, how big should shiners be to free line troll them? Usually no weight or do you weight them?? I seems that lower lake is summer fall area and up river is spring area right generally?? Thanks for any info!!
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