MFU no sir I can not levitate nor do I ever chose to pollute, Larry's case was particularly easy to diagnose as it was based on his running the system low and causing an air bubble in the engine mounted tank. I will not take on any job that I can not leave a happy customer. Obviously all cases can not be taken care of entirely on the water, every situation is different and I like to ask lots of questions. Most flywheels do not scare me, and I draw out oil so and engine oil change on an I/O or 4 stroke outboard is no problem, but anything to do with a drive or lower unit is a no go in the water" I will not drop somebodies very expensive lower, or my tools in the lake if I can help it". I am perfectly comfortable diagnosing most electrical problems in the water, not everybody has a new boat or motor so there is still lots of old electronic ignition parts to fail out there. that Is an awesome pic, surprised it only melted 1 piston, last one I did was operator error and it took out 3 on 1 bank before it locked.