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Arkansas Jewell

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Everything posted by Arkansas Jewell

  1. let us know how it goes getting that cowl off buddy K?
  2. wrench is correct, all the fasteners are inside the cowl! I didnt remember any kind of cables holding them on either, 03 has only 1 latch on the front correct?
  3. let me know what year and model 225 merc to make sure Im looking at the same one that you have, also Im assuming this is 2000 or newer with a single pull release and a solid cowl. These units do get a little stubborn when it is cold, first thing I would try is putting it in the sun to warm it or a heated garage and try the release. If you do have a broken release latch or cable then the lower cowl will have to be removed or at least loosened to gain access to the mechanism underneath, this will be delicate work as you will have a lip extending into the cowl and you may have a couple fasteners under the cowl.
  4. I will service all the local lakes from Springfield to Greers Ferry. I am currently keeping my drive times under 2 hours.
  5. MFU no sir I can not levitate nor do I ever chose to pollute, Larry's case was particularly easy to diagnose as it was based on his running the system low and causing an air bubble in the engine mounted tank. I will not take on any job that I can not leave a happy customer. Obviously all cases can not be taken care of entirely on the water, every situation is different and I like to ask lots of questions. Most flywheels do not scare me, and I draw out oil so and engine oil change on an I/O or 4 stroke outboard is no problem, but anything to do with a drive or lower unit is a no go in the water" I will not drop somebodies very expensive lower, or my tools in the lake if I can help it". I am perfectly comfortable diagnosing most electrical problems in the water, not everybody has a new boat or motor so there is still lots of old electronic ignition parts to fail out there. that Is an awesome pic, surprised it only melted 1 piston, last one I did was operator error and it took out 3 on 1 bank before it locked.
  6. Sorry about the hiatus, had some mechanical issues of my own but I am back up and running and would love to come buy and meet you. Next time I am in the area I will be sure to stop in to see you...
  7. Thanks Larry I very much appreciate the mention, Hopefully there will be many more testimonials from many many happy connections in the future! Good safe season to you Larry!!!!!
  8. 20+ Years Exp! Excellent Refs! All work guaranteed! I come to You! Quality you deserve & Service you can trust! Call, Text or Reply via this forum! Here & There Mobile Repair (734))693-4932
  9. 20+ Years Exp! Excellent Refs! All work guaranteed! Most repairs completed same day! I come to you! Call, Text or Reply to post Today! (734)693-4932
  10. Yes I will gladly do trailer repairs inNW AR or SW MO! Sorry for the delay. I didn't get the email notification of the reply. I will check the forum directly nightly as to not miss anymore.
  11. From Small Engines to Comercial Trucks! Transportation or Recreation! (Auto, Boat or RV) 20+ Years Exp.! Excellent Refs! All work guaranteed! I am here to Help! Call or Text (734)693-4932 Most repairs completed same day! I come to You! (Mt Home/Bull Shoals/Greers Ferry areas)
  12. Hello Boaters & Fishermen! I am a marine mechanic with 20+ Years Exp & Excellent Refs! I guarantee all my work! I would love to come out to Bull Shoals Lake & help keep your boat fun! ( Cuz a boat that doesn't RUN is NO FUN!) Thanks Happy Boating & Fishing Call or text Here & There Mobile Repair Today! (734)693-4932
  13. Hello ozark anglers, my name is Josh and I operate a mobile boat repair service supporting the northern Arkansas, southern Missouri lakes. I will do routine maintenance and repairs on all makes and models of sterndrives and outboard motors. 20+ years experience in the biz and all work guaranteed! I can be easily reached via this forum, or by phone at (734)693-4932, that number will receive text messages as well. Most services can be completed same day, so if you are at the lake and your boat won't get you there, call here and there mobile repair! Remember to make it a great day and god bless!
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